My car is slowly turning into electrical hell
1994 Cav, 2.2
-DRL's have been on and off for 2 years
-turn signals haven't worked for a long time (emergency flashers are fine)
-fusible link blows frequently (3x in 3 mo)
-Headlights have just cut out (but DRL's still work sometimes)
Then just yesterday I went to start the car , the relay clicked once but nothing happened. I fiddled with the fusible link connection on the starter and the car started OK a couple times. Then it stopped starting. I undid the connector on the link (it's a replacement I've butted in) and the car started ok.
The light problem - there are 2 relays behind my bat. I'm guessing the first is the starter relay and the second is the headlight. Is this right? Or is one of them the fan relay? Is the relay the likely source of my headlight problems? Or is it something deeper? Does the wiring for DRL's, signals and headlight meet anywhere that could potentially be the problem spot?
The starting problem - Starter is brand new and works perfectly, alt is a little older but tests OK. So where could my problem be... the starter relay? I hear it click, does that mean it is working or can it click and be malfunctioning? It only clicks once; not that tic tic tic tic that a blown one makes. I am not using specific length fusible links, they're not available at my local lordco so I just have a spool and I try to match the stock length. I realize that this may be why it keeps going but what bearing does it have on the whole picture?
So far I have found no blown fuses; cursing and spitting have proven ineffective.
How do you check the condition of a relay?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I don't know too much about j-body electical without a diagram, but as to checking a faulty relay, switch it with one that you know works, and that will tell you if its good or not.
OK, I've messed around a bit, cleaned the connections on the starter and put on (another) fusible link. Seems have taken care of the starting problem.....
I went through the fusebox again, the Cig Lighter blew as I pulled it out and now blows fuses the instant they make contact. Cig lighter is fine, what else is on that circuit?