huh? and i got reamed for posting the same info elsewhere when someone asked about it.
"ferrite" used to give his first hand experiece...
Almost nobody ever gave him a thank you...
"ferrite" went poof...
Sorry for bringing up a old thread but I didn't want to make a repost. Anyway I have a question. Are these steps for 03-05 Cavaliers also? Because I had to replace my radiator today. I first add the gallon of antifreeze, then I only put about half a gallon of water before it was full already. Did I do something wrong here? Thanks.
"9) With the drain valve closed, add 1 gallon of antifreeze, then 1 gallon of
water. Continue to add from the 2nd gallon of antifreeze until the coolant
level is at the "full" mark. You may or may not be able to get the entire
2nd gallon in there at this time. If it does take it all, continue to fill with water."