Need some advice. I had to change the conector of the harness that attaches to the alternator, this was some time ago, now I´m geting a battery light when I push the throtle a bit only for a few seconds it also goes on between 5000 and 6000 rpm or so when in heavy acceleration. I tried changing the voltage regulator, diodes and stator .... same thing. Then I borrowed a new alt. and when I installed it the battery light was on all the time so I put back my old alternator. I suspect I may have misplaced the wires from the harness when installing the new conector and will like to try changing their position but I´m afraid this may cause some more serious problem because I do not know if both wires cary same current load. Can someone help me
Well I give up! switched the wires on the connector and there was no noticeable change... so for the time being I will let it alone.