well i havent confirmed it yet, but i believe my head gasket on my 98 2200 is going.
any tips suggestions or directions would be much apprieciated.
apporx. how long will it take?
what else should i do while ive got the head off?
what will i need, other than the gasket and some head bolts?
Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!
Well head bolts are just as much deffinet need as is the gasket itself. Beyond that I would have the head sent to a machine shop to be sure its true and see if it needs any milling. While they're at it and if you can afford it you may as well have new seals put in and have the guides checked. Redo as much as needs re-doing and that you can afford. Other then that just make double or tripple sure NO anti-freeze got into the oil.
And then good luck.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
so are you screwed if anti freeze did get in the oil? i think i found mine before it didnt anything too bad i hope im in the process of changeing the head gasket and this @!#$ is hard when you never done it before
Run a tap through the head bolt holes in the block to clean them up. You'll have an accurate torque reading this way when you put it back together. Don't worry about a little water in the oil. Just drain it, refill with fresh oil, run the car up to operating temp, drain the new oil you put in cause your using it as a flush, and refill again with fresh oil and filter. Take your time and figure on it being a weekend job, maybe longer if you have to wait on a machine shop to do any milling. I haven't done a 2200 yet,but i've done two other cars and suggest you get the manual and read up on it like it was for final exams. The more you know the better you can plan ahead. Good luck bro.
If you have ANY anti-freeze in your oil at all yes you are so screwed ! The antifreeze attacks bearing material and breaks it down like it was acid. Basicly if you find anti-freez in the oil its total rebuild time. No ifs, ands, buts, or whats, I mean PERIOD !
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
yes antifreeze is bad, thats how my first LT3 spun its main bearing
1989 Pontiac Sunbird GT - LT3
^^^^^^ I agree in full, also ask your machine shop to check for cracks in the head especially if you got it hot at all, I have done two of these that had a cracked head.