Traffic Etiquette - General Forum

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Traffic Etiquette
Monday, August 18, 2008 6:43 AM

The situation is two lanes merge into one, and there is a traffic light about a quarter mile ahead of where the two lanes merge into a single. So it is kinda prone to getting backed up even on a sunday afternoon. So everyone usually gets in the right lane because there are signs well in advance of the merge that the left lane ends.
The reason this area gets backed up is because people fly up the left lane and expect everyone to let them over when it ends. Recently I've even seen tractor trailers ride the center to prevent this.

Now what I've seen on sunday that ive never seen before is a driver decided to go on the left side of the double yellow, all the way up past where the two lanes merge and then get over.

So what is the correct thing to do? When everyone gets in the right lane following traffic signs, is it right to jip ahead? Is it right to block both lanes to avoid more congestion?
Finally, is it right for me to hang a handgun out the window for when idiots risk peoples lives by crossing the double yellow and bypassing two lanes of traffic?

Re: Traffic Etiquette
Monday, August 18, 2008 8:52 AM
if i know the lane ends i get in the correct lane before the last mintue to avoid being that @!#$

Re: Traffic Etiquette
Monday, August 18, 2008 9:02 AM
I tend to be the ass riding the middle, and blocking both lanes. But some times I become the ass when the @!#$ behind me pushes to the inside right of me, and forces me into the left lane.

PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
Re: Traffic Etiquette
Monday, August 18, 2008 10:11 AM
I'll block lanes as well once I get near to the front.

Once you know that your lane is ending, you should take it upon yourself to merge in as safely and seamlessly as possible. If you get to the end if your lane and haven't merged yet, then you are either an asshat or don't know how to drive. Either way, you shouldn't expect anyone to let you in and should just wait there until someone a few cars back decides to be friendly and let your idiot self merge.

Funny this comes up today...

This morning on my way into work I had someone do this. They drove right up the merge lane on my right and then just started moving into the side of me. I just kept going and once they were fully on the shoulder past the end of their lane, I layed into my horn. Finally they slowed down and went behind me. Then they came up on my left and GAVE ME THE FINGER.


Love it when someone acts like a complete prick, and then gets upset when you don't tolerate it.

Re: Traffic Etiquette
Monday, August 18, 2008 10:30 AM
Happens alot on the hwy right off the interstate to my parents house. I've just grown accustom to it. It really doesn't bother me unless its when the idiots do it in a Construction Zone, especially on the interstate.

What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
Re: Traffic Etiquette
Monday, August 18, 2008 11:00 AM
im the person thats over way ahead of time and im also the person that when i see an idiot trying to cut over in front of me i speed up so they cant. I cant stand dumbass drivers that wait to the last minute to crossover almost causing an accident or ones that fly down that lane so they can get in the front. i also hate those people that are in the inside lane and swerve to the outside lane crossing three lanes of traffic so they can turn right there. that is very annoying
Re: Traffic Etiquette
Monday, August 18, 2008 11:05 AM
I carry eggs in my glove box... haven't had to use any in a while, they smell bad. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of those... woo, boy!

Re: Traffic Etiquette
Monday, August 18, 2008 11:26 AM
I go through this same situation every single day on my way home. Figuring out the best method to take care of them without being too illegal.

2001 Olds Alero (LD9)
636 whp / 543 ft-lb
Re: Traffic Etiquette
Monday, August 18, 2008 12:21 PM
I always ride the middle (or slighty past it so that my point is made). I've still had people drive up over the curb to go around me lol.
I'm planning to mount a paintball gun in the front corner of my car to shoot out the hole that used to have the bumper lights in it

11 speaker JL Audio stereo setup for sale:

Re: Traffic Etiquette
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 5:16 AM
Similar spot in my town too. My thought is that if the merge is due to construction / accident, or something without warning, then the civil thing to do is a 1-1 weave (or close to it) of the lanes so that everybody can get where they're going. If it's a marked, expected, and completely unnecessary to leave to the last moment, then f*** them.

    Shop Manuals,
Re: Traffic Etiquette
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 8:05 AM
People drive like idiots and @!#$s all the time. Sometimes I'm at fault.

Obviously if the lane merges, people need to show some common @!#$ courtesy, and merge BEFORE the last @!#$ second and avoid having an accident. People know that everyone needs to merge, get in the right @!#$ lane before its time and it won't be a problem. If people don't have the common courtesy to let them in the lane if they are trying to get in well before the merge, then thats another story.

Heres the thing. On the roads, no matter what you do, there will always be some @!#$ idiot that @!#$ everything up and ill be the first to lay on my horn and let them know. Since I've moved to the Cincinnati area I have seen some of the absolute most @!#$ horrible drivers you could ever see. This city CANNOT drive. /rant off / J-Bodies of Kentucky

Re: Traffic Etiquette
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 8:07 AM
Also geeky I love the way your car is in the sig looks awesome how you can see the lines of the J it looks so real, but not real. lol. / J-Bodies of Kentucky
Re: Traffic Etiquette
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 10:55 AM
I see this all the time since I drive a truck. I like to ride the lane that's ending until the last second then get back into my lane. The thing is I don't pass anyone while in the other lane. I kinda tell the guy behind me what I'm doing with hand gestures and turn signals. Get in that lane and go at the traffics speed with your blinker going and they'll usually get the point. If it's another truck we talk with the CBs.

Although I have had 2 people pass me on the shoulder only to run right into a barricade and then try and force me to stop like I caused their wreck. I just point and laugh and keep going.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Re: Traffic Etiquette
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 11:13 AM
i like to swerve at people coming up the left lane and force them into oncoming traffic in hopes of epic death crash.......but thats just me

Re: Traffic Etiquette
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 11:27 AM
choosey moms choose J03Y wrote:i like to swerve at people coming up the left lane and force them into oncoming traffic in hopes of epic death crash.......but thats just me

My favorite solution so far...

I forgot to mention in the OP that there was a cop about a half a mile down the road with a guy pulled over most likely speeding. WTF where was he when there was an idiot driving on the wrong side of the road??

Re: Traffic Etiquette
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 11:37 AM
oldskool wrote:
choosey moms choose J03Y wrote:i like to swerve at people coming up the left lane and force them into oncoming traffic in hopes of epic death crash.......but thats just me

My favorite solution so far...

I forgot to mention in the OP that there was a cop about a half a mile down the road with a guy pulled over most likely speeding. WTF where was he when there was an idiot driving on the wrong side of the road??

Quoting my uncle (former Phoenix PD officer and former head of SWAT out there)....When you need a cop, we're at Dunkin Donuts. When you don't need us we're on your tail.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Re: Traffic Etiquette
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 11:53 AM
There's something like this right near where I live. It's on the Braga Bridge, and it goes from 3 lanes to two, and it's been like that for at least a year. There are plenty of signs all over the place indicating this, and people know it already.

The bitch about it is this, if I'm in the middle lane and there's nobody in the right lane, I move over sometimes just to not play dueling @!#$s with the retards in the left lane that they know is going to end. It sucks because there's an on ramp with a STOP SIGN right after the bridge, but nobody checks for oncoming traffic, so you're cruising along at 60 and you have to jam it to 20 because nobody knows how to step on it when they DO cut you off.

If there's somebody in the right lane, or I just don't feel like dicking with people at the on ramp I maintain my speed, regardless of who's in the right lane. If they keep even with me, they either need to speed up or slow down, because I don't make allowances. If it's around rush hour I hover between the two lanes to keep cocksuckers from jumping ahead.

If it's not that busy, but they want to get ahead of everybody and traffic isn't stopped, I have no problem with people flying by me in the left lane, so long as they're ahead of me by the time their lane ends.

So basically if people KNOW the lane is closed ahead, they need to do something to get out of that lane, because besides putting me into a barrier (I tend to remember license plates of people I think would do it just in case), you're not getting in without speeding ahead of me or getting behind me.

On the subject of unexpected closed lanes, I agree to the 1/1 weave. I just laugh when people try to pull a 2/1 weave on me and act surprised when I cut around and force them to stop. You've got a more expensive car than I do, and you're trying to come into my lane, you're going to wait, because my car will cost me a lot less money then your Benz will cost you to repair, and I've got no problem playing chicken with morons.

Sort of reminds me of a time I was coming out of Providence Place Mall with my girlfriend. There were 3 exit lanes, and one was closed. So of course this woman was in the closed lane, and wanted to get in. She had her directional on, so I figured that since at least she was USING a directional (rare, as I'm sure you all know), I'd let her in. She didn't want to get in front of me though, and I gave her at least 2 car lengths. She was determined to get in front of the person in front of me. So I said @!#$ it after about 3 pull forward sessions, and hugged the person in front of me. THEN she tries to FORCE me out of my lane into another closed one. She keeps creeping forward with her nose edging in front of me, and at this point I'm pissed because I tried to let her go and she didn't want it. I revved the car excessively as I pulled forward and probably scared the person in front of me having them thinking I was going to rear end them, but the bitch go the point. She looked at us as if we had done something wrong, with that type of disgusted face you want to just knock out regardless of sex.

My girlfriend threw her the bird.


Fusion 9 Design // For all your web design needs!
Re: Traffic Etiquette
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 12:02 PM
ooohh theres construction around my work that has one of the lanes closed and those freakin morons stay in the left lane and expect people to let them in!! Some of them dont even look to make sure theres room, they just start merging. i typically will try whatever i can to make it impossible for them to get infront of me and sometimes behind me. but despite my efforts the idiot behind me just lets em in every time!

Re: Traffic Etiquette
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 1:33 PM
Ben (DirtyJ) wrote:People drive like idiots and @!#$s all the time. Sometimes I'm at fault.

Obviously if the lane merges, people need to show some common @!#$ courtesy, and merge BEFORE the last @!#$ second and avoid having an accident. People know that everyone needs to merge, get in the right @!#$ lane before its time and it won't be a problem. If people don't have the common courtesy to let them in the lane if they are trying to get in well before the merge, then thats another story.

Heres the thing. On the roads, no matter what you do, there will always be some @!#$ idiot that @!#$ everything up and ill be the first to lay on my horn and let them know. Since I've moved to the Cincinnati area I have seen some of the absolute most @!#$ horrible drivers you could ever see. This city CANNOT drive. /rant off

What part of the Cincy area, I'm across the river.


Yes, noob, the search button is for you...

Re: Traffic Etiquette
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 5:13 PM
Even since the new I-10 bridge opened up in my part of Florida, we don't have to worry about that anymore. My problem lies with intersections then merge lanes. Case in point. You have been waiting to cross two lanes of traffic trying to get into a business and when you finally have a clear Joe Schmoe tries to over take you on the right making a left turn! What in the hell is wrong with people? He assumed I was going to make a left when I was going straight. Damn near t-boned him. He had the nerve to stop on the side of the road and get out of his little truck. Thank god I had my secret military killing machine sitting right next to me. Would have been ugly on the douche's part.

Re: Traffic Etiquette
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 4:39 PM
I let people in if i feel like it, for the most part i don't! If I do let them in i appreciate the thank you gesture that makes it a bit better. Anyone who is from/been to Toronto knows the on ramp to the 404 from the 401 East has this problem people do this on the highway its so stupid and it merges into the fast lane.

Does anyone know if your at fault if you stop on a 4 lane road to let someone into a driveway/store,etc and in the other lane beside you a car doesn't stop and hits the car turning?

Re: Traffic Etiquette
Thursday, August 21, 2008 12:50 AM
The_TwStD_1 wrote:
Ben (DirtyJ) wrote:People drive like idiots and @!#$s all the time. Sometimes I'm at fault.

Obviously if the lane merges, people need to show some common @!#$ courtesy, and merge BEFORE the last @!#$ second and avoid having an accident. People know that everyone needs to merge, get in the right @!#$ lane before its time and it won't be a problem. If people don't have the common courtesy to let them in the lane if they are trying to get in well before the merge, then thats another story.

Heres the thing. On the roads, no matter what you do, there will always be some @!#$ idiot that @!#$ everything up and ill be the first to lay on my horn and let them know. Since I've moved to the Cincinnati area I have seen some of the absolute most @!#$ horrible drivers you could ever see. This city CANNOT drive. /rant off

What part of the Cincy area, I'm across the river.

NKY I used to live in newport but now I moved out to independence bc I needed more room to put my @!#$, and a garage. You're welcome over anytime.. as are any J-body guys.. You could come over and hang with me and tyler if you want, he drives an 01 with an eco swap. You don't go on JBOK do you? Otherwise I think you would recognize me. / J-Bodies of Kentucky
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