I know someone must know where I can find this info. I need proof of what the Governor is set at in a 2001 Chev Cavalier, 2.2L. I know that its at 106 with a resume of 102 but I need proof on a document or write-up with meaning.
If your wondering, I got a ticket at a speed higher than the govenor and need to prove them wrong. Please let me know ASAP if any info is found. A PM would be great. Thanks all
how fast were you ACTUALLY going?
Its actually 108
and you get what you deserve
i thought it was 109 ... and mine doesnt resume till like 99
but yea.. if you were going anywhere near that speed on the street you should expect double reckless tickets
108 and it resumes below 108.
service manual is where you can get it. $135 through helm inc.
even so you deserve whatever fine you are getting, thats too fast for streets.

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
^^ 108 109 is about the same on the speedo...
Doesnt it cut the fuel pump off for x amount of seconds... i dunno... i know the few times on the circle track i got it up to governor ... and i could not make it accell again till 99ish on the speedo... so i found it was easier to feather the gas around 105 and try to hold it there...
mine cuts out at 207 mph and resumes at 202 mph
seriously no joke
Its in the service manuals.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
whenever i hit 88 i end up in 1954
ok guys saying he gets what he deserves, thats fine and all, but getting a ticket for going faster than his car can go? is that REALLY what he deserves?
sure he deserves a ticket, but one that any other person would get for going the actual speed their car can go and what they were actually going
^^^well for starters we dont know if he has the governor disabled and secondly we have all said, helm inc service manual.

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
wow jump to conclusions.... since i know kevin i will say his computer has not been altered, there is no way he was going as fast as the cop was saying

R.I.P. Brian Klocke, you will never be forgotten
hmm i thought it was 107 but i got mine to 110 and had some room to play with how much not sure but when i looked down and it said 110 and i felt the car kind of float i was like yeah time to slow down. Yes i know its to fast even for a hwy but i was on it by myself at night.
I thought when you look it up on hp tuners, it says 106mph?
Machzel08 (Teh Jew) wrote:^^^well for starters we dont know if he has the governor disabled and secondly we have all said, helm inc service manual.
I along with Brandon know Kevin and know personally that his PCM/speedometer has NOT been altered. I looked at his file and it is set to 106 top speed. The problem here is I can not just print out a PCM screen shot and take it to the judge without them saying I altered it. That would just start another mess that I personally dont want to get my business into. BTW, just incase some asshat that doesn't know how HPT works, you can view a file without editing it.

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
who cares if he "deserves" the ticket. i mean hell, 108 isnt THAT bad if on an uncrowded/empty interstate. its unsafe in our cars, but hey whatever...if the cop clocked him going faster than his car is capable of going, there is a good chance that the gun was malfunctioning. of course there could be some driving conditions that would push him above 108, but again...whatever
buy me. from the sound of what everyone else is saying, this manual should have the info in it that youll need.
wow....thanks kids for your opinions. And thanks for the people who just helped out.
ImPhat0260/Cavattack2000 wrote:Machzel08 (Teh Jew) wrote:^^^well for starters we dont know if he has the governor disabled and secondly we have all said, helm inc service manual.
I along with Brandon know Kevin and know personally that his PCM/speedometer has NOT been altered. I looked at his file and it is set to 106 top speed. The problem here is I can not just print out a PCM screen shot and take it to the judge without them saying I altered it. That would just start another mess that I personally dont want to get my business into. BTW, just incase some asshat that doesn't know how HPT works, you can view a file without editing it.

i actually meant via cut off swithc but yea same diff. i was jsut making the poitn that up till then we didnt know if he had it altered.
and tabs, 108 is too fast for american roads. period.

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
so how fast doe the ticket say you were going?
kid huh? riiiggghht
im not trying to be a dick....... and it is wrong to get a ticket for a speed the cars not capable of..... but in turn i have no sympathy
Let's get off the I am righteous than you tip and understand that each and everyone of you has exceeded 100mph in a vehicle that you have drove,if you were seriously doing like 80 and were written up for 100+ then yes do everything in your power to fight it but if you were doing a 5mph difference as in 105vs,100 then it won't make that much of a diff. in court.

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
I still wan't to how fast the ticket says you where going. How far over 108mph is it?
First of all... I'm sure that 99% if not all of the people here have bounced there car off the speed limiter at least once since thay have bought it.. Common.... you do you guys think your talking to here... we know better. God knows I've done it more times than I can count... although I don't anymore because that got old a long time ago. (anyone that gives me crap for saying that is a damn hypocrit) I'm sick of hearing people bad talk others for doing things we all know eachother are guilty of. I usually, try to stay cool on the org, and not say things that will cause problems with others (I love this site too much to bother making enemy's), But you people need to get real for a minute... if anyone wants to hear preaching.. .they'll go to chruch. I'm just tired of it.
Secondly... who cares if he is wrong or right for speeding... we ALL have done it... I'de rather see a cop loose in court over anything else.
Do this.
Say you where going slower than you actually where (they can't proove your your streatching the truth other than the cops word), than throw the limiter thing in there face. If I where you.. I would go to to the nearest dealership, have them check out your car, and have them put in writing that your stock speed limiter is funtioning, and untampered with and that it is governed at 108mph. Than you will have proof that the ticket that says you where doing 120 (or whatever it was.. let us know), is BS. After that, it doesn't even matter if you where actually speeding or not as far as the law goes because your not on trial for what "you where ACTUALLY doing". Your on trial for what the cop said you did, and they can't use any hearsay crap against you.
i for one can say ive never taken my cav past 90. other cars, yes, but not my cavy as i just dont trust the car that fast.
but regardless, id fight the ticket. if it can be proven that he clocked you above what the car can actually do, then whos to say you werent really doing 75-80 and he read 100+?
but ya...what was the MPH he wrote you up for?