Ok, so i had read on here that this was an ok company to deal with, now it appears im getting screwed by them. I ordered from them over a month ago, and they responded within a week saying it would be shipped out the next week. Thats the last i heard from them. Ive sent many emails, ive tried calling them, and lo and behold "the number you are trying to call is unreachable" ive even PMd them on here, with absolutly zero response. Im sick of this, If anyone knows their address of operations, i would like that information please. I need to know where to send the summons.
As far as I know Charlie is a good guy to deal with... there has to be a legit explination for the wait & trouble; but I'll leave that up to him.
I HIGHLY doubt he is out to screw you or anyone else.
www.TaillightTinting.com #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES
www.aPlusPerformance.com BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
I hope your right, i wish that someone would pipe up with some mitigating circomstances, but as it sits now he's flat out fallen off the face of the earth, doesnt anyone know this guy personally??
^^ Have you tried posting in his regional forum to see if anyone knows what's up or can help you get ahold of him??? Worth a shot.
www.TaillightTinting.com #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES
www.aPlusPerformance.com BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
APlusPerformance - JBodySource wrote:As far as I know Charlie is a good guy to deal with... there has to be a legit explination for the wait & trouble; but I'll leave that up to him.
I HIGHLY doubt he is out to screw you or anyone else.
X2 hes a good guy hes always gone out of his way to help me out
I haven't heard from Charlie in a long time myself so I am getting kind of worried.
Roadtrip! Pay my gas and I'll go see if he's ok. He's only about an hour, maybe hour and a half, north of me.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
^^^ actually hes alot west and alittle south of you.... Rockford is stright west on I90
He's northwest then LOL. I gotta go a bit north to get to Rockford that's all I know.
You know I suck with directions.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Hey Cory,
I'm in the same boat as you. I ordered my air intake from them on 9/10/06 and got a response the next day saying that it would be shipped out that same week. I still haven't received anything. I've already e-mailed and called like crazy, but I still get no response. If anybody knows Charlie, please let him know that he still has some customers waiting for their product. Thanks guys.
Vincent Morris wrote:30 mins from me 
Drive over then and see whats up...
ouch......@!#$ty deal........ weird thing is i was planning on ordering somthing from them. good thing i seen this post
Charlie is greast to work with he runs a good business.. Not out to screw anyone..
RKSport--Baer--Magnaflow--Alpine--Hankook--GroundControl--Wings West
we seriously need some sort of rating list for sellers. it's getting hard to keep up what company causes problems.
Desert Tuners

“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”
Ken AKA Ken96z AKA @!#$
wrote:Charlie is greast to work with he runs a good business.. Not out to screw anyone..
Well his actions seem to beg the contrary, maybe you should let him know that he has and is screwing people.
Hey guys,
Charlie finally got back to me through e-mail on Tuesday. He said that he has been having problems with receiving e-mails. He's already fixed my problem and has put my intake on rush delivery (he said it should be here within 3 days). I'll let everybody know whether or not I receive my item by the end of the week. Cory, check out the post by BoltZ22. Call Charles J Huckelberry. I also have a different number for him, so you can e-mail me for that info.
You should have told him to look at this post. Glad to hear he got back with someone.
i dealt w/ him before and never had a problem
Ok good news, he seems to be getting everything back together, contacted me today. Hopefully i can get my order and this whole mess can go away.