due to the recent shortage, we can't really get any suppliers either. you can try uscomposites.com (i think that is the site)
I got about 6 feet by 48inches wide that I want to get rid of. Please e-mail me (titus2669@gmail.com) if you want it with an offer. Thanks
uscomposites have it in stock
I got an order of 6 yards by 50" wide from uscomposites about month ago, and I just checked the site, and most types are in stock right now.
why are there shortages of CF? is it the government? or the materials involved?
Desert Tuners
“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”
The shortage is due to the fact that people are building a hell of alot of stuff out of Carbon Fiber for the REAL structural reasons. Boeing is making Super-sized jetplanes out of it, China is buying it by the Company-load for building and vehicle construction, and the government is buying it by the tons for making stuff.
And of course the myriad of people wanting to use it to make their cars look cool.....
My Car Domain
Boeing is making Super-sized jetplanes out of it
Not only Boeing, but Airbus as well...
From here:
New aircraft designs helped drive demand as well. The Boeing 787 is 60 percent carbon fiber, and the much-anticipated Airbus A380 is 50 percent carbon fiber.... The aerospace industry currently consumes about 41 percent of the carbon fiber made, but that will drop to 29 percent by 2009.
Look at my signature... thats why there is a shortage