Well its been a fun 3 years almost since I bought my Cavi. but I think its time to trade it in. I have my sights set on an 07 Cobalt SS sedan in sport red with a sunroof. Cavi's paid off and they'll give me 9grand for it in trade so that means I'd have to finance 9more which would make my payments in the 180 a month range.
So what do you guys think? Jump on it and place the order for the Cobalt or keep the paid off Cavi.?
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
I just gotta ask, why a sedan?
Good job having a two year old car paid off

I wish I was that disciplined! SS w/2.4 or SS w/2.0? I would do anything right now to not have a car payment. I say stick with the paid off car.
Well I'd love the 2.0SC SS but I have 2 kids and a puppy who LOVES the park.
Kids are 9 and 14 and climbing in and out of the back seat is getting harder for them to do. So thats why I'm leaning toward the sedan. Well that and I like the sedans looks waaay better (puts flame suit on) I just don't like the rear of the 2 door Cobalts.
The Cavi. wasn't due to be paid off for a couple more years but we refinanced the house and came out with enough extra cash to pay off both mine and the wifes cars pay off all our bills and fixed up the house a little.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
My only advice would be to make sure you are ready to see it driving around and you not own it!
I was all but done with mine and was ready to sell to get in another car myself but realized there was no way, not one way I would be able to stand seeing my Cavy and me not own it!! So, I saved a little longer and bought the car I wanted and still have my Cavy to play with now!
Best of both worlds and to be honest...I'm so glad I didn't sell my Cavy!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
Seems like you've must have spent an awful lot of time and money getting your Cavy modded just the way you wanted it. Seems a shame to trade in a real sweet looking car for one of those dumpy looking Cobalts (no offense, just my opinion).
Jackalope wrote:
The Cavi. wasn't due to be paid off for a couple more years but we refinanced the house and came out with enough extra cash to pay off both mine and the wifes cars pay off all our bills and fixed up the house a little.
I suggest enjoying the lack of car payment for a year and then pull the trigger for a new car. In the mean time, you'll have extra cash to spoil those kids.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Zspot Zedden wrote:Pic of the Colbalt.....
Its not even built yet, LOL! I have to order it. The wife said ok so I order it monday!
YEAH! then its wait 6 to 10 weeks for delivery BOOOO! Oh well at least I can get it!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
smart move...i'd have given up the coupe in favor of a family long before now.
...that, or purchased a reliable sedan *coughNOTCOBALTcough* and kept the coupe.
R.I.P. Brian St.Germain
you know, i love when people like to criticize others about their behavior,
but turn around and do the same freaking thing months later...
Sry to hear it go! Pull the sways off first and sell them to meeeeeeeeee!
Cobalts are decent cars! I also think the 4dr's look a tad bit better for some reason!
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
Thanks guys. As for selling off the parts..... well just check my cars stats and pm me with any offers.
Believe me Laura I would have loved nothing better then to have done that. I was stuck in the Cavi. so I made the best of it. And I see your not a Cobalt fan eh?

LOL! Thats cool! I've liked them since they came out.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
nope...i can't stand them. i haven't liked them since the original concepts.
R.I.P. Brian St.Germain
you know, i love when people like to criticize others about their behavior,
but turn around and do the same freaking thing months later...
Just crossed the same bridge in March. But, I couldn't let it go. Now I have a minivan and the Cavy to toy with on weekends! Hey, it's not much but it's paid for and a blast to drive. My 11 year old wants it when he get's old enough to drive; so, I will likely hang onto it until then.
You want room and performance and a REAL upgrade? Look into the Malibu, Malibu MAXX, in 3.5L v6 or SS trim. I tracked the SS 2 weeks ago and I knew these Malibu's cars were good from previous track experience, but the SS makes it sooo much better.
Oh yhea before I forget... . What were you saying on that Camaro not coming out?
>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

LOL! I said I wasn't holding my breath! So GM surprised me on this one, well shocked the sh1t out of is more like it! But hey I can't walk on water so no biggie.
I like the Malibu Maxx SS the best out of the 2 Malibus but remember this is mostly for me, the wife has a van so this is really a second car for us. The Malibu Maxx SS is a sweet car no doubt but I'm not trying to take on that much of a payment right now. Great choice in cars though! 2 thumbs up!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
if they had made the SS sedan look like the one they had at the autoshows it woulda been cool
sedan looks better than the coupe on the cobalts anyways
all i can say is, you'll be back.
nice choice in a ride tho jackalope. enjoy! hope you dont leave for good
i dig the ss 4 door
i say just do it if you need the room for the family.
Yup thats the car I ordered yesterday! I think it looks great! How bout you guys?
And nah, I won't be leaving anytime soon. I have made lots of friends here and I'm not gonna walk out on any of them just cause I get a non J body car.
And I SERIOUSLY doubt I'll be doing this anytime soon! Though its a pretty good chop!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Jackalope - J-body = Me
But I think you will be much happier in your new ride...
And you wont have to worry...You can still look at all our J-Bodys if you get
lonesome for yours! lol!