Any first or second gen J-body can be "chipped" by replacing the chip in the computer that runs the car (powertrain control module or PCM, or electronic control unit or ECU).
95 J-body cars EXCEPT for the 2.3L automatic are OBD1, and are "chippable".
However, starting in 1996 (and 95 2.3L automatics), OBD2 was a requirement in all new cars. The "chip" in OBD2 cars is soldered to the circuit board, and cannot be removed. Any upgrades to the PCM programming require complete replacement of the PCM, or "reflashing" of the program. As of this writing, there is a limited number of sources for new software (and most are garbage, contrary to their claims).
There is no "Hypertech" programmer currently available for third gen J-cars. One is apparently in development, search the forums for more information as it develops.