i got that black padding stuff attatched to the underside of my hood. what is this stuff for? would you guys recomend i remove it?
also, if i did take it off, wut kind of inserts could i put in there? i have see some people with reflective mirror and some diamond plate n stuff. jw wut you guys thought.
there are manetic inserts you can buy that come in a roll and I believe the hood liner is there to absorb heat

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
From what I heard, that stuff under your hood is there in case of fire. The plastic holding it in place is supposed to melt out and than the "cover" will fall onto the fire. Although I can't see that actually helping much as it wouldn't be cutting out quite enough air to kill the fire... Anyway, just what I had heard.
Ty W wrote:From what I heard, that stuff under your hood is there in case of fire. The plastic holding it in place is supposed to melt out and than the "cover" will fall onto the fire. Although I can't see that actually helping much as it wouldn't be cutting out quite enough air to kill the fire... Anyway, just what I had heard.
that's dealership propaganda for you... couldn't be any farther from the truth.
it's there for sound deadening purposes only, and it's only marginally effective at that. it's not a heat shield, cause the engine doesn't get hot enough to ruin the paint on your hood. it's not a fire blanket, cause by the time the fire melted the plastic rivets, it would already be too out of control to contain and the damage would already be too severe to try and save anything in the engine bay.
remove it, throw it away... it's ugly. as for inserts, personally i'd just leave it as is unless you're trying to build a show car. otherwise, you're not going to have the hood open enough to really justify putting stuff on the underside of the hood, and it'll just get dirty anyway.
it's not a fire blanket, cause by the time the fire melted the plastic rivets, it would already be too out of control to contain and the damage would already be too severe to try and save anything in the engine bay.
Yeah that's what I figured anyway, there's no way it could have actually cut off enough air from the fire to actually put it out, and just for the record, good call, it was the dealership that said that.
I'm assuming her meant the magnetic inserts guys, lol. Come on now, wake up
i could have sworn that thing was on the hood to keep the heat in for the engine during cold months...
1997 RedR - ZedR
I wouldnt say its only marginally effective...I took it off my bird and the hood sure as hell clattered a lot more when driving around...
why would you get magnetic inserts? ^o)
What do they do? Just look cool??

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
* More to come *
Basically, they cover the gaps in the under frame, and they do make it look a bit better under there...
i removed mine and then i cut off all that crappy useless sheetmetal and grinded everything smooth so that the whole underneath of the hood was flat. looks a trillion times better
People say that what doesn't kill you in this life
will make you stronger. I'm not sure if that is true
or not, but i do know one thing-You have to learn from
it and it has to make you better.......it has to.......
$5 says your hood flexes crazy rediculous...
Useless sheetmetal... lol... no my friend, that would be what makes ur hood not fold in half under its own weight when you pull it up
Granted I would like to do something like that, but I would at least put something underneith in place of it to keep the structural integrity
Best ET to Date: 14.251 @ 98.51 mph. 13's or Bust Baby!
Like a simple clean x brace.
*2000 Cavalier sedan*
cannon fodder wrote:Ty W wrote:From what I heard, that stuff under your hood is there in case of fire. The plastic holding it in place is supposed to melt out and than the "cover" will fall onto the fire. Although I can't see that actually helping much as it wouldn't be cutting out quite enough air to kill the fire... Anyway, just what I had heard.
that's dealership propaganda for you... couldn't be any farther from the truth.
it's there for sound deadening purposes only, and it's only marginally effective at that. it's not a heat shield, cause the engine doesn't get hot enough to ruin the paint on your hood. it's not a fire blanket, cause by the time the fire melted the plastic rivets, it would already be too out of control to contain and the damage would already be too severe to try and save anything in the engine bay.
remove it, throw it away... it's ugly. as for inserts, personally i'd just leave it as is unless you're trying to build a show car. otherwise, you're not going to have the hood open enough to really justify putting stuff on the underside of the hood, and it'll just get dirty anyway.
canon your wrong lol, ive seen many car fires an with ones under the hood that paddin actually does fall down an does smother the fire a bit, i mean if the cars fully envolved it doesnt do @!#$, but for a simple engine compartment fire, it helps a ton
^^^^^ i see a lot of burn cars at work and the partial engine burns always have the half burned insulation hanging off the hood. even a lot of complete engine burns where there is damage to the windshield and dash. the burned hood insulation is still attached to the hood.
id say the stuff is pretty fire resistant but i doubt it will ever help you in the event of an engine fire.