This is compiled FAQ for the exterior forum. The exterior of the j-bodies is usually the first thing that people see, so naturally you would want to make a good impression. You can do this with simple things such as shaving badges and tint, to the extreme of molded wide body kits and such. I have seen many of the same questions over and over, which can all be answered, via the SEARCH button

I know, however, that it is easy to find something when one knows where to search. I hope this will help many people when it comes to making their car great looking.
DISCLAIMER: This is by no means all-inclusive. I do not have all the answers, but I do have a decent bit of knowledge in the area. There are those out there who are experts in this field. The only reason I do this, is to take up time at work and so those who have a life and are busy working on their cavaliers don’t have to

If you happen to see an error and KNOW it to be false or incorrect, please post the correction and tell me why I am wrong. That’s why the JBO is here: for us to learn.
First and foremost, the biggest question many people ask, “Will this kit look good with these rims and that wing and etc. etc.etc.???” I can’t answer that. I am not you, and I do not have your taste as far as appearance goes. Each person has the own unique taste in cars that is why there is such diversity in the JBO. As long as you like it that is all that matters. We do not have to look at your car everyday.
As with modifying any part of a car, there are two routes to take: the right way, and the wrong way. What distinguishes right from wrong? Time and money. The great saying “You get what you pay for” is what I am talking about. If you try to get cheap body kits, cheap paint, and cheap work, then you will have a cheap looking car and, then you will have to start from square one. “But I like the way my car looks, even if it looks cheap to you. Didn’t you just say that as long as I like it its okay???” Yes I did, but it won’t stay that way for long. It will get worse. Cheap kits break, and cheap paint chips and peals. Your car will go from looking cheap to looking like it needs to be shot and put out if its misery. Again, I can’t tell you what to do, many people will have find out the hard way.
Also, I do not know much about 1st and 2nd generation jbodies. Please input any info you can. Sunfire owners, I know what I post is true for cavaliers, but I am uncertain about certain things for sunfires. Please post any corrections or additional info.
For most things that you buy you can install yourself, especially lights and spoilers. Body kits, and hoods, fenders, can be installed by yourself, but remember that fitment might be an issue. It is best to research the company you buy from and how their fitment goes. You may have to let body shops install certain items for you. Again, time and money determine how a car will look.
Quick List of Goodies:
1) Hoods on 3rd Gen J-bodies are the same for that car from 95-02, 03+ is different.
2) Fenders are all the same on 3rd Gen Jbodies
3) Three different bumpers for 3rd Gen: 95-99, 00-02, 03+
4) Trunk lids for cavaliers are same throughout 95+
5) Trunk lid for sunfires changed in 03
6) Side skirts are interchangeable between sunfires and cavaliers.
7) Some side skirts are interchangeable between 4door and 2door jbodies (ex. Importfighter, z24, buddyclub 2, anything that does not flare up at all)
8) If you have 00-02 base model cav, and you want the z24/LS lips, the easiest part would be the buy the whole front bumper. There are many holes cut into the bottom side of the bumper for the clips to run through. You can do it yourself, but it takes time. You decide.
9) Yes there are convertible jbodies. It would be very hard though to convert you non-convertible into one. I suggest against it, just go out and buy one.
10) Yes a targa-top (sp?) Can be done, but will lots of fabrication. If you know what you are doing, then I do not have to explain what needs to be done. If I need to explain, you have no business even thinking about it.
Now onto the good stuff:
Badges and Side Moldings:
Here is a post. Read this and all you questions shall be answered. The same goes for badges. Just use the same technique as you did the molding. This question is asked frequently. Thank Streaker for such a nice indepth post.
How to Shave Badges & Moldings
Tinting a car is another small thing. Some places do charge a bit of money for it, but you don’t have to do any work. I know where I live it cost about $150 to tint the whole car. Each place is different. Shop around and research the quality of work of different shops. The tint lets in a percentage of light. If you tint your windows to 40%, then you are only letting in 40% of light into your car. You can install it yourself, but it’s not the easiest thing, and if done incorrectly you will get hairs, dirt, and other things trapped between the tint and the windows. I do not know legal tint in your state. Look it up at your local courthouse, or call up and ask at a tint shop. They will know. “Can I still tint darker than the legal limit?” Sure. I have 5% tint on mine, and the legal limit is 35%. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. I CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE IF A COP GIVES YOU A TICKET. I have just been lucky, and I also ride around with my windows down most of the time.
This seems to be a much-debated topic about lights on our cars. There are so many questions that are asked daily so I will try to include all that I can.
This is an important part of the car. These help you see at night. If you try to go cheap on these, you will regret it when you can’t see past your hood at night. As it is, there are only a few companies who make projector headlights for 3rd generation cavaliers, and none who make them for sunfires (sorry guys). However, there is hope…..well a small bit. Hella had a set of lights at the JBASH last year and has promised the kits will be out……..but that almost a year ago. If you must have projector lights, I suggest you learn to custom to make your own, or work with the cheap ones. WinksOnline might be in the works for some projectors for sunfires.
Also, Tabasco Racing has eyelids for the headlights. I know he has them for cavaliers, but I am not certain about sunfires. APC does make headlight covers for cavaliers. Remember, covering the headlights cuts down on your visibility at night, so check to see if it is legal where you live before installing these. Check ebay for the complete headlight covers.
Corner Lights/Bumper Lights
These lights tell people ahead of you, and beside you if you are switching lanes while driving, if you actually use them

. So again, caution when fooling with these, or you might run into a nasty situation if someone cuts you off because they didn’t see that you were changing lanes.
There clear corners for cavaliers and sunfires. You can find these anywhere and they are usually cheap. 95-99 cavalier, you best bet is use ebay. 2000-2002, I would suggest making your own clear lenses to save money. There is a how-to in the library, but can buy them as well.
00-02 clear corner how to
There are also the Toyota Cavalier corner lights. =GreenZ= has a set. I think they look nice and subtle. Most people think they look too much like stock lights to bother. Again, it’s your car, you decide. You can find these either I the classifieds if you’re lucky or at your GM dealership. You will need the part number for the corner lights which I was not able to find. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE POST THE PART NUMBER FOR THE CORNER LIGHTS FOR CAVALIER 95-99. THANK YOU
Where to buy corner lights:
The part you have been waiting for. 1st and 2nd gens, I do not believe aftermarket taillights are available for your cars. If there are, someone please post where they can be found. 3rd gen Cavalier owners, you have your pick from just about any kind of taillight you can possibly want. Altezzas, C/F, etc. etc. Again, it’s your car get what taillights you think look best what you have. One favorite is also the Toyota tails. There are two styles, 95-99 and 00-02. There is a little work involved in installing these.
Here are the GM part numbers for Toyota Tails:
2000+ outer right 22628442
2000+ outer left 22628443
2000+ inner right 22602878
2000+ inner left 22602879
96-99 right outer 22626394
96-99 left outer 22626395
96-99 right inner 55977632
96-99 left inner 55977631
Where to buy aftermarket tails:
Sunfire Owners. From 95-02 You have the retro style taillights. That’s all you have. The 4door owners can use taillights from a cavalier however. 03+ Sunfire owners now have euro lights and such. I am just the messenger so don’t hate me.
You cannot use cavalier taillights for sunfire coupes. You can use them for sunfire sedans.
Again, it’s important to realize that your brake lights are very important. They alert people behind when you are braking. Taillight covers and such can make it difficult to see the lights. Use caution before installing such items.
Taillight accessories:
Underbody Lights:
Yes, there are kits for these as well. I would caution against use while driving. Mr. Officer might not like them.
Okay I am going to go out and let everyone know this. ALUMINUM WINGS HAVE NO FUNCTION OF OUR CARS WHATSOEVER. YOU CAR DOES NOT GO FAST ENOUGH AND IS FRONT WHEEL DRIVE. With that being said, you may choose an aluminum wing for cosmetic purposes. This is up to you, do what you want. Ebay has many wings for sell, and check the classifieds here as well.
Where to get wings
For those of you who might want something else you can always by the smaller spoilers. A spoiler from a jbody of any year will fit another cavalier of the same generation..except 2003+ cavalier. The reflector on the trunk will get in the way of the 2000 z24 spoiler.
Also, you can make your own spoiler. Many people have done so, or have used spoilers from other cars. Just might take a little imagination to get them to work.
Where to get spoilers:
Jbodies are blessed with many different styles of hoods. Again, I cannot say what will look best on your car. You have a brain, decide for yourself. Some info on hoods: 95-02 Cavaliers use the same hood. The same goes for the sunfires. In 2003 the hoods changed for both. Hoods will cost you a pretty penny, so save up.
Where to get hoods:
The fenders for the Cavalier and Sunfires are the same for all third gens. Some have bracket for the corner lights, some do not, but they are the same. Many styles are available for both the Cavalier and Sunfire, ranging from z3, the X1, and so forth.
Where to get fenders.
Body Kits:
The part you have all been waiting for. This is where a car can be completely transformed into an exotic looking beast. Body kits range from simple lip kits, to complete bumper replacements, to widebody molding kits. Kits can be bought whole or separately, and sometimes mixing and matching is a good idea. However, I suggest you make sure the kit will flow well if you are mixing it up. It would not look right for the front bumper to be the highest part of the car, or for the bumpers to be slick and smooth, but the skirts are crazy and wavey…you get my drift. Cheap knock-offs are available on Ebay, but that is all they are: cheap knock offs. The material is weak, and will therefore break easily.
There are two types of bodykits though. Polyurethane and Fiberglass.
Urethane kits are very strong and durable. They are basically plastic kits. Downfall is that they are expensive, and not always easy to find.
Fiberglass is cheaper than urethane, but not as durable. Fiberglass however, is easy to fix if cracked. Fiberglass kits are also easy to mold to the car. It’s all on what you want out of your kit to determine what suits you best.
Everyplace I have listed above sells bodykits as well. There are many other places that bodykits also.
wings west
buddy club2
Search around for the best price and quality.
DISCLAIMER: If I am wrong, then moderators please delete this. I was lead to believe by previous post on the JBO, that the Carbon Fiber products for our cars are no more than fiberglass with a single layer of C/F. True carbon fiber would not break or crack.
Other things that can be done:
We have covered now what most people do. However there are further steps that can be taken to make your car, truly a show car, or truly stand out in the crowd.
Cavalier/Sunfire Swaps
Yes you can swap the front end of a cavalier with that of a sunfire. It is not hard either. You will need the following items from for the front end.
Headlights Wireharness
Hood Latch
Front Bumper
Everything bolts on. You just have to splice the wires for the headlights depending on what year and make you are using. The back ends, however, are a different story. The rear quarter panels are completely different, and therefore you cannot interchange them. 4door sunfires, however, can use the rear bumper from a cavalier.
If you have more questions I suggest emailing the following people. They have performed the swap themselves.
03 Cav Fire
Suicide Doors:
Yes they can be done, and yes it has been done. Is it easy? No. There is a lot of fabrication involved, and you will probably have to shave you door handles (I will get to that in a sec).
Lambo Doors:
It has been, and is becoming quite popular. There are two kits available, and both seem to be very reliable. These are not cheap things, however, and will run you a pretty penny. Remember, expensive things are good. Your doors are very important, and an expensive kit will mean that doors do not fly off when you drive down the hi-way.
Lambo Door Kits:
Winksonline and have the kits. I am sure others have them as well, just search around.
Lambo Door Install
Thank john317 for the wonderful walkthough on that.
Molding Body Kits:
As I mentioned before, it is possible to mold the bodykits to your car. To do this, you need to be skilled in fiberglass and bodywork. I myself know nothing of the sorts. I suggest emailing these people and getting to know how the process works. Be warned, since the bumpers will be molded to car, and the bumpers are supposed to give. If the bumpers do not give that will cause stress in the areas of molding. Eventually the molded areas will crack if not done well enough, or the bumpers or any other molded areas take a large impact.
People who can Mold.
Shave Locks/Door Handles
A lot of people do this for show cars. The car does look very sexy and sleek. There is a lot of work involved however.
Here is a good post on it
What Metal To Use
Dont Forget the Door Poppers
Here is some info in case you would want a shop to do it
This is a very good How-To. Please remember to thank KavKy for the very detailed process:
KavKy's How To
I am certain that I covered the major areas. I hope this helps you all. If am I wrong on something please post the correction and why I am wrong. I am tired now, I am gonna go pass out.


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Post Edited (02-02-06 11:40 AM)