holy mother of god ... damn crazy asians lol <br>
why would one do such thing??????? it still can't beat a real ferrari... <br>
hey! that was supposed to be MY car they started off with......
that's nuts...doesnt look quite authentic, but it's better work than i've EVER seen... <br>
dam but loads of work
prob woulda been cheaper to get the feraari in the firs place
speechless. may not be a true ferrari, but jaw-dropping. or as ken96z says: holy mother of god. well, at least i can sleep easy now that i'm physically exhausted from scrolling down. haha. good find.
....wow, very very cool. Now they can put it on the lot and sell it for three times what it is worth to some kid that doesn't know better,

Those were some cool pictures, I enjoyed looking at the process of making that.
Have a good one,
as if the nsx wasnt enough, that front end has got to be one of the nicest i have ever seen in my life, i love it...i dotn really like the rear though...
That's some crazy stuff. I wonder what they used to make it ...
Those are some sweet vans!

holy crap thats fawking amazing
anybody wanna do that to my fire for me?
ill be tool biotch
[quote=97cavie24ls(JDM cav sedan™)]dam but loads of work
prob woulda been cheaper to get the feraari in the firs place
i saw this a few weeks ago
actually it wouldn't be cheaper, and for a few 100,000 you could make it just as fast.
amazing work though <br>
<a href=http://cardomain.com/id/sweetcav201>

Ken96Z wrote:holy mother of god ... damn crazy asians lol
those were my thoughts exactly...
that is the craziest body work i have ever seen. <br>
SDragon wrote:Ken96Z wrote:holy mother of god ... damn crazy asians lol
those were my thoughts exactly...
that is the craziest body work i have ever seen.
yup. making a car look COMPLETELY like a different car takes some talent.
I wonder if they can turn my Spec into a Skyline!
Looks good. But the MR2 to F355 conversion looks more authentic. <br>
thats gay, I don't like it at all <br>
Heres pics of the MR2/F355 conversion.
You can even get authentic Ferrari wheels and calipers.
And also authentic interior peices.

Post Edited (09-14-04 08:30 AM)
There is only one word I can find to describe this:
Holy Frickin Cow...that's a lot of work!
I've never been a fan of kit cars, or making one car look like another...but that is simply amazing work. I wonder how many hours they put into this?
OMG! THATS CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! <br>
They were bored, weren't they?
>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

Everyone wants to be like us Italians. j/k
Thats just awesome. <br>
Post Edited (09-14-04 08:23 AM)
holy focking $hit someone has crazy skillz with the fiberglass... <br>
As everyone said, taht is some crazy a$$ fiberglass work! I give thsoe guys a lot of credit there.
Although I am not a fan at all of kit cars, this one is incredible. The back needs some work I think to look real though, but the front is incredible!
I personally owudl never do that, I woudl put that moeny into the NSX and make it a crazy NSX. But to each his own. At least this isnt a kit car with no balls though, the nsx does move!
And they have a lot of crazy looking rides int he background as well, so thats awsome!
"Louis, you better watch who you call a child. Because if I'm a child,
that makes you a pedafile, and I'm not gonna stand here and argue
with a pervert" -- Peter Griffin
Post Edited (09-14-04 08:20 AM)