That off/on super-Corvette is definitely on, according to General Motors performance cars chief Tom Wallace<<<which replaced Dave Hill.
Wallace says... the biggest challenge facing the so-called Blue Devil Corvette is figuring out how to get 600 hp to the ground in such a way that it can be handled by a driver with the money to buy the car.
Wallace said GM is considering requiring that Blue Devil and even Z06 buyers attend a driver school as part of the price of admission, which initially it can be a handful.
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-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

sounds great, and it's nice to see them giving them training too, because a lot of people now a days can afford toys like that.
thast just to much power
Real cars don't make power at the front wheels......
buy a corvette , and get taught how to race it , hmmmmmmmm
im in
[quote=97cavie24ls(JDM&00s/c sedans™)]buy a corvette , and get taught how to race it , hmmmmmmmm
im in
Damn straight!!!
I think, along with the driver school thing, there should be a "Premium Buyers Only" type deal, like Ferrari does with one of it's cars (can't remember if it's the F50 or Enzo or what). Like you have to have owned at least two in the past, and they have to be able to know you aren't just buying it to resell or whatever later.
from what i remember you had to have owned a f50 to even be considered to purchase an enzo.
as for the "blue devil" vette, i think you can get away with that if you're only making 300 of them like the enzo. but what about th people who own 450+hp GTOs, 500+hp TAs, or people who do solo events, they're putting down more than stock c5 z06s and some more than stock c6 z06. i like the idea of a driving school, but where would it be held, will the individual be using their newly aquiried vette with 0 miles on the clock? what about liability issues? granted it's still in the "thinking out loud" so i guess we'll see how this unfolds... just thinking out loud here
Yea that'd suck having a newly bought BlueDev and crashing it into the number 9 corner on Road Atlanta trying to learn how to drive it haha.
Also, this vette will easily beat mostly everything on the road if they give it an awesome traction system. (with the ability to turn off, of course)
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
damn time to start playing the Lotto again.
Come'*shakes dice*, baby needs a new Corvette(Blue Devil).

Silver Stripey makes your Day!
This is really bada$$ but I think Chevrolet and GM need to focus on high volume low cost for a while till they get on more solid ground.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
With all the wrecked Z06 pics that have been posted on the internet, its obvious that there are quite a few people buying these cars and not knowing how to handle them.
I know Saab did this a while back with their Aero line of 9.3s, including time at their "flight school" with the purcahse of the car. Though that class wasn't mandatory, getting training on how to drive your car to the limit is sweet.
Bballjamal (Cav-AtL) wrote:Yea that'd suck having a newly bought BlueDev and crashing it into the number 9 corner on Road Atlanta trying to learn how to drive it haha.
Yeah, but it would be a lot better than crashing it on the street, haha.
I know for the Ferarri Enzo FXX, which is like damn near a Formula 1 car, Ferarri actually hand picked the owners for the 20 to be built and required that they all came out for a training weekend with some professional drivers.
Similar to the Enzo owners had to have owned a certain number of Ferarri's to even be considered, but they went one further. While I'm sure you could request to buy one it really didn't matter, they had chosen the 20 people long before the final price was announced.
I think I even remembered hearing that those vehicles were required to be kept with Ferarri at approved storage facilities.
But back to the Blue Devil, I keep on saying how awesome it is to see GM actually start to swing for the fences again with performance

"I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where
they're going and hook up with them later." RIP Mitch Hedberg
03eco33 (SS33) wrote:
But back to the Blue Devil, I keep on saying how awesome it is to see GM actually start to swing for the fences again with performance
Exactly. GM needs to come out with more performance orientated vehicles. The Cobalt SS is a great seller. The Corvette is selling strong aswell. GM needs to appeal to the younger buyers, who are instead of buying GMs are buying Hondas and other imports.
To get back on the map, GM needs to bring back the muscle car mentality. Take a small inexpensive car, and stuff a powerfull motor into it. The Cobalt SS is a good step in the right direction, but not where they need to be quite yet.
I see so many new Honda Civics and Toyota Corrolas at university, it's unreal. There are atleast 2 imports for every domestic.