all the cars look good, but idk I still think this picture of tink's car is best
LOL... i'm curious to know the story behind that pic...
Heey, is the black cavalier sittin on air? orr?/....
Cars look great, even the non j-body. g/a's can look good but most you see have god awful body kits on them that look horrible.
Also, idk why Tinkles car looks so good with stealies but it pulls it off so well. Plus what a great job masking, is there some custom pokemon paint in the works?
strat81 wrote:LOL... i'm curious to know the story behind that pic...
thats what happens whenever you're not looking and jeffie is around lol
neil... the black cav is bagged and boosted.
punkerest... their only 15's but he keeps'em clean.
PJ... bahaha... he was back and forth with jeffie via text msg today while we were out and about.
Sweeeeeeeeeeet. I would say when the hell is Tinkles gonna get rims, but the steelies are growing on me.... lol
Strat, looking sexy as always. And I'm diggin the Grand Am, very nice rim choice
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he tried to make off with my tenzo's earlier today.
we did some fender rolling today though and he's pretty sure he can make the set of wheels he has fit so the steelies may not be there TOO much longer. (we made sure to harass him today about getting wheels... he just in turn harasses me about boosting the sedan)
strat81 wrote:I'm boosting the sedan)
nice pics!

Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.
looks good, but those steelies have got to go. Winter is over......

JBO Veteran
i got a set of impala police centers here that i think would look awsome on tinkle's car
yea you think by NOW tinkles would BARROW a set of rims for a shoot LOL it looks good though. love how he can raise it up to stock and kill unsuspecting cars constantly then lay out and look good after
your car always looks good, man. always been a fan. always will be a fan. b00st?! yay1
dam grand am- needs sct hood/spoiler, pro-kit w/ kyb agx's, and tint. then it = perfect.

I'm tired of wasting my time... now I'm breakin' free.
Tell yer friend to drop that summabish pontiac and it'll look bad ass

Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
my buddy is working on dropping it... he's a college student on a pretty tight budget. it's next on his list though.
as i mentioned, Tinkles does have a set of rims that will probably be going on shortly as we rolled his fenders and are pretty sure the 7.5" wide wheels he has will get under the fenders now. personally, if i had to choose between boost and wheels, i'd be boosted on steelies too.
glad you guys like the pics!
DaFlyinSkwir(LS61) /PJ/ OEM+ wrote:strat81 wrote:LOL... i'm curious to know the story behind that pic...
thats what happens whenever you're not looking and jeffie is around lol
and alcohol....
z yaaaa wrote:yea you think by NOW tinkles would BARROW a set of rims for a shoot LOL it looks good though. love how he can raise it up to stock and kill unsuspecting cars constantly then lay out and look good after 
Not quite, my stock exhaust is hindering my car pretty good. Plus "Stock" height sucks, it feels like i have 2x4s for springs. So its lowered cav spanking N/A ricers.
Kevin Richter wrote:looks good, but those steelies have got to go. Winter is over......
I agree.

2003 Cavalier 1SV
Bagged and Blown
Tinkles wrote:DaFlyinSkwir(LS61) /PJ/ OEM+ wrote:strat81 wrote:LOL... i'm curious to know the story behind that pic...
thats what happens whenever you're not looking and jeffie is around lol
and alcohol....
I see no alcohol there is no proof!!!!

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.
I love this! Laying in the grass!
i'm waiting to see him post the pic that he took of the burnt grass where the exhaust sat...
love that first pic!!!
and yes... sometimes you have to climb a tree to get the shot.
that pic of the cat in the grass kinda reminds me of in national lampoon's chrismas vacation when the cat takes the xmas lights under the chair and bites in electicuting himself leaving the carpet burned like u did the grass hahaha