well, after quite a mental strugle over the past few months, i finally got my car to its first show. unfortunately i missed the bash because i wasnt sure the car would physically make it, but i finally got it out this year and damn did it feel good! i missed going to shows.
i took off the entire week to try and get her ready for the bash, but it just was not in the cards. so i worked to try and make the local Kuhmo Street Warriorz show. although i didnt really finish the car at all, i did enough to get it there. almost overheated on the way there, hell, i forgot wipers/rear view mirror, bulbs, lol, but i finally got my radiator issues situated(knock on wood). didnt even have half the interior in the car, but i just wanted to get to a show, so i worked til about 10 minutes til i left for the show, and got enough done. didnt have tail lights on the way home in the dark, but i did have brake lights

good thing i didnt have enough time to bolt in the pass. seat, so my girl drove behind me. i lucked out there.
before i wasnt sure about a few things on the car, namely the doors and the vent in the skirts, but after seeing it dropped to the floor for the first time all painted and rims on........I FELL IN LOVE!!! im not regretful for one thing on this baby. id still like to change a few things, but in no way am i disappointed!! god i love the mean look to this beast. from every angle i stared at it all night. and i just had a huge grin!
NOW, i know there will be haters because others have done the same headlight conversion, but I've wanted these headlights for almost 4 years, and I finally had a chance to grab them at the perfect time, so I had to have them. say what you will, but I couldn't be happier. theres also a few things still to be the mirrors for one. and im thinking about marbleing the rims too.
well, on to the pics. I'll have updated pics of the interior soon. enjoy!
note* - i didnt take the pics, i forgot my camera in the rush, so heres some pics i gathered from a few friends. it was dusty as all hell, so some might look blurry.
how low can you go?
WOW thats a sexy cav. very nicely done
wow car looks awesome, very mean looking and clean at the same time....looks great man goodjob and congrats on the work!
Hot damn that front end is gorgeous.
Couldn't be happier with that! Looks amaizing!
wow, that's just sick. very nice work.
Hell yeah! Finally some pictures with the car put together!
Joey man...Great work buddy! I bet once you were at the show a huge feeling of accomplishment hit you! A job well done, congrats bud!
ooo i love it

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
Joe-- Paint my car please!!

....effing gorgous!
... i'm serious tho!
God damn is is sexy! I'm lovin the BC2 front and rear on air. Paint is amazing bro!
Wooooooooow Joe, LOOKS AWESOME DUDE!!!!!!!! Do me a favor and shoot me a PM when you're going to ur next show, I wanna come check it out again.
Ohhh snap, finally together huh.. Looks very sweet man.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
never really been a fan of the marble style paint, but damn that thing is nice. i am loving those head/tails, looks very mean, very nice
WoW that's hott!!! Very nicely done, love the front end
wow that is some very nice work there joey!! great to see it all come together for ya, and for the record that is one of the cleanest and nicest interiors I have seen in a j-body good job!!
wow that car is just beautiful. im honestly at loss of words.
yea dude, that thing looks amazing.
It has the viper stamp of approval.

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Damnit your plate keeps making me double check the post date!!!!
That car is beyond sexy..those headlights flow so well its a shame GM didnt make it that way!
holy crap!!! didnt expect this quick of a response, lol. thanks alot for all the comments. they are very much appreciated!!
Vince - ya man, it didnt really set in til i was pulling thru the gates, and everyones jaws just dropped. love that feeling, but still more work to go! cant wait to get together with you and Justin for a crazy photo shoot!
Cody - shoot me a PM...i can talk to my boy and work something out for you!
Megatron - thanks man. !!
Viper - thanks does that give me 1 up life or just a 30 second protective shield?
thanks again everyone!
edit* note the new sig
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, July 29, 2007 6:44 PM
Oh man.... I think I just became a groupie!! (no homo)