i feel the pressure.... THE PRESSURE!!!!!!!
ohh boost
Combined 50psi there.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
got any more pics of the elantra? I've never seen one done up before
hmmm. I want those projectors on the blue cav and front bumper..looks very smooth
It is fitting that the blueone is the fastest. IMO it looks the best too. Not that all three cars don't look good because they do.
How can you take pics of a turbo car andd not throw in pics of the engine bay. Come on newb. LOL

Skunk v.2K4 wrote:Combined 50psi there.
My friends cummins diesel max's out at about 45 psi, of course it's a diesel.
Now we just have to get an ecotec with 45 psi..........if only!
Anyway, all those cars are sick, not a fan of the holes in the back of the silver cav, but all nice none the less.
We're working on that, I've got a deck lid that I've filled the holes for him, just waiting on the body shop to finish painting.
It is fitting that the blueone is the fastest. IMO it looks the best too. Not that all three cars don't look good because they do.
How can you take pics of a turbo car andd not throw in pics of the engine bay. Come on newb. LOL


The Silver One
I'll get more pics of the Lantra and the yellow one today.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
Oh yeah, and who's the newb, come on now is name calling really necessary. jk.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
Upper 12's on a drag radial, low 13's on a street tire. Good enough for me...for now.

The Elantra

The Yellow Cav
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
DAMN!!! the front end of that blue cavy is SICK!!!!! i think hands down that is the nicest front end ever.. if the hood was slightly different like the reverse louver style you see on some cobra mustangs that would just make it that much more amazing!!
The First Twin Charged jbody
blue car (R.I.P) - 240whp @7psi..
silver car - 305whp 315lbs.tq @15psi (91 Octane) or 420whp & 425lbs.TQ @20psi (94 octane+Alcohol Injection)
All dynos run on a Mustang dyno
oh those cars look great together..lol first time we have all had them running good at one time!!
<aDdiCtEd 2 BoOsT>...EcOtEc...
Josh F wrote:DAMN!!! the front end of that blue cavy is SICK!!!!! i think hands down that is the nicest front end ever.. if the hood was slightly different like the reverse louver style you see on some cobra mustangs that would just make it that much more amazing!!
not to be an ass, but i think the front end on that car looks horrible.

Blew it up, build numbers coming soon
not to be an ass, but i think the front end on that car looks horrible.
I knew that was coming.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
lol ya curt alot of people rag on the front in, but it really does look amazing in person..looks good in pics but these dont really do it justice
<aDdiCtEd 2 BoOsT>...EcOtEc...
Thanks jon, you know there's always haters on the org.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
Skunk v.2K4 wrote:Thanks jon, you know there's always haters on the org.
so get used to it?
there will be people everywhere, internet or not, that dont like something. i personaly like it from some angles, and from some i dont. I never in my life thought I would EVER say this.... but the Hyundai kinda is the best looking from the pics i see IMO.
but anyway, just take it with a grain of salt, not everyone has the same taste and will like what you have to show.
the side angled pic with the yellow one in the foreground makes the blue one look amazing, the head on pic makes it look wretched.. just my opinion, call me a "hater" if you must, but get used it.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:not funny... i just can't find that funny... not with 2 copies of the Candyland board game on your shelf.
I like all the car

. the hyundai does look pretty sick though. Its a toss up. The front end on the blue one fits it quite well.
I wasn't complaining, I'm used to the "haters" on here. The Lantra looks totally bad rolling it's about 1 to 2 inches off the ground. Someone mentioned something about a different hood for mine, VIS Evo is coming, and the ram-air will be on the silver one.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
Blue 14psi, Silver & Yellow 13psi, Elantra 10psi.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
Thanks for the engine shots. I really like the front end on the lantra. any numbers or other stats on it?