I smell 13s tomorrow........
Wow, amazing run, please tell me you're gonna run it one more time for the 13.99???
^^ladies n gentleman, our camerman lol
way to go man! that's impressive!!!!!! can't wait to see you hit the 13.99 tomorrow!
1st 1st gen on air.....
Like i said, you should have went #2 before you raced.
holy slow server, batman! Soooooo worth it though!!!!!!!!!
again you go without me........
we are no longer friends.........................
and no more reach arounds either you prick bastard!!!!!
In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
i will say again congrats thats insane cant wait to see the 13's
and very nice work from the camara man haha
The one, the only, ME.
man did I call that or what????? I said 13.99 in the last post.
2009 Ford Mustang V6
oh my god. you probably @!#$ your pants when you seen that timeslip. so close. good luck on the 13s.
turbo what, all I gata say Paul is NIIIICCCCCEEEE!!!!! congrats man glad to see my twin crushin #s. I smell 12s soon.
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41
insane, just insane......congrats
please dont turbo your car.....
rule the world NA
skwirl is now my hero....i plan on doin an all motor 03'....now i have someone to look up to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice man,
honestly i am impressed with what you put down with no boost. thats very impressive for what you have done to the car, i dont know why gm doesnt raise the redline from the factory in the first place. for some reason eco's just seem to like it when you make them scream rediculously rpm's with no problems. but honestly now that you have your hptuners in and running, GO TURBO..........i promise you will be pleased. buy and lsd and some slicks with a turbo and you can talk about 12's rather than 13's.........good @!#$ though man for real. keep it up and keep burnin honda's......gotta love it.