i just wanna know how many times a week you smoke box that thing
Any ideas on where can I go to get custom accessories for my 1990 Bird?
I've been wanting to get clear corner lens but I have no idea on where to look.
Also, how about exotic hoods?
Any ideas?
[~ wrote:Ireth_Vardamir[~]]Any ideas on where can I go to get custom accessories for my 1990 Bird?
I've been wanting to get clear corner lens but I have no idea on where to look.
Also, how about exotic hoods?
Any ideas?
your better off going to v6z24.com for info on older j's
Poor, poor misguided sunbird. It never had a chance.
boost > bling
[~ wrote:Ireth_Vardamir[~]]I don't smoke!
one would assume otherwise after looking at your cardomain
anyway back to the car
its horrible i tried and couldnt find a single thing i liked about it but you definatly had me doing double takes like in this pic of the motor.
Why?? Just why?????

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
ok i'll be the constructive critism guy since I own a 2nd gen
there are no clear corners for the flip up lights
the car is a bit way too busy honestly, the red and blue in the engine bay doesn't go well. I'd say paint most of it black and keep a clean theme going
interior 2 different reds for interior is not good sorry man i've either repaint everything to a nice neutral color or swap interiors out of another bird
i'd loose the decals
also maybe look into upgrading the wheels to 17s and maybe look into finding a sunbird GT kit
Z24 Cardomain Site ll
ZQ8 Car Domain Site
wow, did you just run down the APC aisle at Pep Boys with both arms stretched out?
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
your an idiot.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, August 03, 2006 8:05 AM
[~ wrote:Ireth_Vardamir[~]]I don't smoke!

What is with your car domain page then? It looks like an add for the Green party.
Car is alittle too busy. Try painting everything under the hood one colour, and same with the interior. That would make a huge difference, not having the other contrasting colours there.
i dont even know what to say......... that thing is so wrong in so many ways........
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
at least you would beat the pants off of minion.

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.
was there a car on there somewhere? all i saw was pot leaves?
people say that smoking pot doesnt effect you. i say this proves otherwise..
***Need A Power Lock Switch?***
Jcavi (JoeDM in training) wrote:at least you would beat the pants off of minion.
I think he might take me in the HIGH end but only because I don't smoke.
Seriously, a stock 2.0sohc automatic weighed down by 900lbs of mexican artwork? I think my 1/4 is better than his 1/8th!
To save this sunbird:
1.) Put in a factory black interior maybe with black leather racing seats and an aftermarket steering wheel
2.) Lower it
3.) Motor swap to a 2.0 turbo or V6, sans the spray paint
4.) Lose the stickers
Some hard critics.
I like it.
Pretty good suggestions, thought.
I'm thinking in lowering it anyway.
The car is still under construction.
Next step, is paint it (Silver base Metallic Candy Apple Red).
I have the rims with some connections, polishing them.
I'll be getting them here pretty soon.
Umm.....doesn't this car belong to a
Anyways, I don't even know what to say...after seeing all those pot leaves and weed animations, the car just seemed to blend into the background.
And you say that you don't smoke, huh? Well then, I'd consider changing my cardomain theme. It's quite overbearing anyways.
people still are on cardomain!?

i didnt think anyone still used that site...except for queen Z

Sinister Ambitions
when your girl is getting on your last nerve f*#k her dont fight her
im talking about Jbody owners

Sinister Ambitions
when your girl is getting on your last nerve f*#k her dont fight her
euric dinkins wrote:im talking about Jbody owners
Smart thing to do would be go to car domain and look at the recently updates J's, and let them answer for you .
Obviously people are still going to use cardomain ...
And the webpage layout was ridiculous ... Almost pathetic.
Put the car back to stock , and stop smoking.