I made a post in the Interior forum describing my interior LED's install with wiring and daytime pic, there's the link:
I finally took some night shots tonight:
with a flash:
and without a flash:
The bulbs aren't visibles, only the glow, but I took a picture of the actual LED's:
Any comment welcome,
I forgot to add that my HVAC buttons will lit blue soon, I just ordered 2 #74 blue LED's from Ebay and that I'll add 2 12" blue cold cathode under the dash and the seats
very nice man i like.... good work...
looks pretty friggin cool man
looking good man
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Looks good man! I really like how the silver paint looks under the blue light. Are you swapping the hvac face before you do the hvac leds?? The face has that red film on it so you'll end up with a little purple...just wondered what you were gonna do about that. I plan on doing the same thing with mine soon and will probably just swap in a cavy hvac face.
I was looking forward to this...............very nice....
Silver Stripey makes your Day!
looks great
I'd leave the HVAC as it is... it adds contrast to the rest of the color scheme
Got any bigger pics of your wiring that you could email me? If so, my email is in my frofile.
looks real good
but i think ya need leds in your HVAC
just my .02˘
hey thx a lot for the kind words and thx to all who helped me!!!
I love how it turned out, can't wait till I add my cold cathodes under dash and seats!
As for my HVAC, I'll put blue LED's and if I don't like result, I'll switch back to stock
HOR -> I'll emailed you some bigger pics of the wiring, check your mail
Thx again,
man nice as hell, makes me greasy.... lol
how did you get those in the air vents? did you drill the holes directly into the air vents?
Thomas Culler wrote:how did you get those in the air vents? did you drill the holes directly into the air vents?
Yeah, I drilled 3/16" holes in the top and sides of my vents, it's a perfect tight fit!
that pocket lit up looks mint bro, good job
wow that looks really good, i like the ones under the hvac that light up the cup holder area. nicely done.