nice ryan looks good!!!!!!!!
Glad to hear you didn't get any damage. Car looks great as always!
Oh yeah I have high res pics for anyone who wants them...... just click pic go to properties... copy and paste the adress(URL) and paste it into browser but add "hires" to the file name....
B-E-A-utiful!!!!!!!!!!! Intake looks nice and that bumper looks SOOOOOO much better.
People named Ryan have good taste in cars..... January 2005 Ride Of The Month
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That picture is ILL!
Truly one of the nicest J-bodies on this site.
Makes me not want to sell my fire when I see a J this nice.
something i always been curious to look good on your cav is some c/f tail inners.. and leave the stock outters... Always love your car tho. did u have to do some cutting for the bumper to fit a better or did u just have to play around with it? What happened to the blue tape
so sweet...
love it man...i wanted silver...and your makes me want silver...
yellow22 wrote:nice ryan looks good!!!!!!!!
thank you
C R J wrote:Glad to hear you didn't get any damage. Car looks great as always!
thank you to
dirty elf wrote:looks so sweet man
CarbonCav04 wrote:B-E-A-utiful!!!!!!!!!!! Intake looks nice and that bumper looks SOOOOOO much better.
People named Ryan have good taste in cars.....
yeah front end came out looking ALOT better, and thanks
silver lightning wrote:
That picture is ILL!
Truly one of the nicest J-bodies on this site.
Makes me not want to sell my fire when I see a J this nice.
thanks alot, I knwo I'm starting to sound like i won an emmy award or something... thank you, thank you, hahah but i really do apreciate it
Manta Z wrote:something i always been curious to look good on your cav is some c/f tail inners.. and leave the stock outters... Always love your car tho. did u have to do some cutting for the bumper to fit a better or did u just have to play around with it? What happened to the blue tape 
I had the Carbon fiber tails but they lasted about 3 hours and I got rid of them hahah, untill there is REAL carbon fiber taillights not just printed plastic I'm keeping those. I love the stock ones. As for the bumper.... the shop did it orginally, as soon as I got home I took it all apart and made it look better, they didn't cut and trim the front end they just stuck it over and said here you go se eyou later, so I pulled it apart and hacked the @!#$ out of the front end and I painted the area on the stock bumper flat black to hide the stock fog lights housing that are still in there behind the grills, I did alot of work. A few times already I've pulled things out here and there trying to get good fitment and never happened, so this time I went all out, cuting glueing, shaving triming, epoxying, modified the cover, the stock front end, and the fenders, alot of work but finally looks decent, not perfect but decent....
laz2447 wrote:so sweet...
love it man...i wanted silver...and your makes me want silver...
DO IT!!! get a silver one
Front looks 100% better never really noticed the prob til u posted some pics of how it is suspose to fit lol.... btw u give the few of us that has everythign that goes to hell hope life wont suck tomarrow.. good job mang
just noticed somethign funny... through the pics there are like 6-7 american flags in the pics, weather its in the background or reflection on the car or whatever

can you find them all hahahah
Very nice setup you got there. Did you get stock black interior? That would have been nice as an option on my fire but I could only get graphite. Oh yea, and why do you have a police interceptor badge? I'm guessing it's a joke but it's kinda cheapening your look. the look is too good for jokes!
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
I counted 9

Lookin hot as always Ryan!
looking good as always! one of my favorite 03+ cav's
the car is just put together so well. simple, clean, yet sharp! nice work.
Qwik2k2z24 (Yesterday 10:41 PM)
looks real hot
would the AEM intake rub?
^^^i was thinking the same thing...
Looks good Ryan / 732-742-8837
lol! its lookin good ryan. glad there wasn't any hail damage to it. too bad you didn't come to the meet yesterday. it's been awhile since i've seen it in person. plus it didn't thunderstorm. just some light sprinkles off and on. oh well next time i guess.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
Derek724 wrote:Very nice setup you got there. Did you get stock black interior? That would have been nice as an option on my fire but I could only get graphite. Oh yea, and why do you have a police interceptor badge? I'm guessing it's a joke but it's kinda cheapening your look. the look is too good for jokes!
my interier is dark graphite not black, and yeah the police intercepter is just for @!#$s and gigles, its staying untill I figure out what to do with trunk lid
Shane OBizzle(ShOBiz) wrote:I counted 9
Lookin hot as always Ryan!
I on't know how you spoted 9 hahahah but thanks
strat81 wrote:looking good as always! one of my favorite 03+ cav's
the car is just put together so well. simple, clean, yet sharp! nice work.
Qwik2k2z24 (Yesterday 10:41 PM)
looks real hot
would the AEM intake rub?
^^^i was thinking the same thing...
thanks dude, that salways been what I was going for, clean and simple, somethign that stands out without sticking out and if you didn't know the cars you'd mistake alot of it for stock. An i arleay replied to his AEM comment.
adam and brandom thanks, and brandon sorry for not making it otu to the meet, I was't gonna risk it since when I got in the hail a few days ago they were syaing "chance of scattered thunerstorms hahaha, I wasn't go gonna drive to it this time hahahah. but yeah get the pics up
damn i love that car, so plain and simple, just the way i like it
There isnt one thing on your car Ryan that i don't like . And i love that god damn front bumper.
( BTW : We have the same tailights , yay

Keep it up man!
Very clean i like carbon fiber hoods on silver cavs just has a clean look to them. Especially your hood.
I'm not big I play big
looks great. i've always loved that car. kinda makes me wish mine was silver too. it seems like it's so much easier to keep clean than black. everything looks great. glad to hear your car made it out of the hail alright. keep up the good work.