very nice. ive been thinking about doing a camera like that. any tips?
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Check out my CARDOMAIN page
nice how much and were from. BTW you bought your own b day present I can come over if your lonely

also nice sig additive when did you start that.

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.
thats so cool. I want one!
Jcavi wrote:...also nice sig additive when did you start that.
lol thats pretty funny, that kid is really starting to get annoying.
thanx ya'll
tabasco, basically if you have a camcorder already, all you would need is to make sure its analog in capable. theres a list here
but heres the link for the cams
Randy C is the guy to go to.... basically i got a 380 line bullet cam, and i also have a mount from although i might downgrade a bit as i use the smaller chase cam now instead of putting a camcorder on its not as much weight.
jcavi, the chase cam itself was about 140 used from chase cam... i got the 380 to see if it was quality enough a picture, cause i was gonna buy the 480 line bullet cam, but 380 is surely enough. th vid we got today was perfect. the vid cam i just bought was 367 with tax about 2-3 weeks ago.....
so roughly about 500$... i was gettin bored.
the sig, well someone emailed me the pic after they saw it and made the jpeg, so i was like, might as well.....
Very sweet Event, I want a over the shoulder cam, but $$$ keeps me from getting one right now.
The "funny post of the week, click sig" addition is awesome, can't wait to see more
Kross wrote:Very sweet Event, I want a over the shoulder cam, but $$$ keeps me from getting one right now.
The "funny post of the week, click sig" addition is awesome, can't wait to see more 
the ones that go on your headrest? if so let me know.
nah i unloaded it for a sec to upload another...
adding more footage as well.
Cool video / 732-742-8837
sweet love that suspension
Next time you should weight down the shoes a lil bit! Let's see that J RIPPP!
Pure sex man pure sex....once I get equipment like that I can make some pretty out of this world videos for JBO. I'll need about 4 outside mount type cams to get all the effects I want. Soon, very soon!
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
Hurry and get some sort of auto x vid with that. THat will be nice.
I am all that is man
you just HAD to copy me didnt you? u know you loved my original vids from 2 years ago

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
That was badass. Now we need some more day footage and some real chase footage.
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and
degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that
nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for
which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his
own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of
being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than
John Stuart Mill
looks good art, i been lookin into police dash cams, but the system is over 3 grand, now it sucks my digital camcorder is not on that list...oh well, ill figure something out
Viper98912 wrote:you just HAD to copy me didnt you? u know you loved my original vids from 2 years ago 
honestly, i dont remember, else i know i would have bought it sooner
DrPaul84 wrote:looks good art, i been lookin into police dash cams, but the system is over 3 grand, now it sucks my digital camcorder is not on that list...oh well, ill figure something out
if you get their setup, it can be done for less than 500-700 $ thats with split screen, heres a vid
but thats like 355$ a cam can be from 135-255, or if you get two used about 260$
Bubble guts wrote:That was badass. Now we need some more day footage and some real chase footage.
waitin for bryant to get it up and legal.
z2fst4u wrote:Next time you should weight down the shoes a lil bit! Let's see that J RIPPP!
def check with donovan (B-guts) on that. he was the driver that day
Bballjamal (Cav-AtL) wrote:Pure sex man pure sex....once I get equipment like that I can make some pretty out of this world videos for JBO. I'll need about 4 outside mount type cams to get all the effects I want. Soon, very soon!
def check with randy C and see what they can do for ya mang!
I cant wait to get my car up and legal so we can get some real made for TV scariest police chases footage.
As a matter of fact im going to try to take care of my wheel bearing hopefully by this weekend ill be good to go.
Say it with me, "Its not what you know...It's what you can prove"
Very cool... I wanna borrow anyone who got it!
- Darren
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