I wrote a simple yet complete how to on the removal of a door planel with a window crank. The power lock and sunfire aspects makes a nice addition, but noone will find it as it is the 23rd post down on a topic name that is extremly misleading in your case.
And the auto shift knob is completely off-topic...
You're reading my line-break, you are a loser.
well i figured if it was gonna get stickied i might as well pu t it in. not only that but i installed it at the saem time
"Official Jewish J-Body"
neoSandstorm (The sandy one) wrote:^^ Thanks for jacking my thread? ![](/global/images/emoticons/al.gif)
i said i would add to it. i just decided to do a complete howto instead.....sry
"Official Jewish J-Body"