z24 s/c wrote:now go back and cut those connectors out get some heat shrink tubing a soldering iron and do it right. Exposure to moisture is a problem in your future.
He's Right would rather do it quickly or do it properly. Let me ask you a question have you ever had a fire from wiring. I have and let me tell you it only happens once and you never do ghetto @!#$ like that again. And please man on the battery change out the bolt for a real battery bolt or an audio connector bolt for that terminal.
*2012 mazdaspeed3*
lol, dude whats it been like 3-4 years since i did the mod? if you want to talk properly the scotch connectors they came with are 3 times worse then what i used, lol my wiring is fine, i do more impressive wiring when needed, im not going to have an electrical fire, there is no real current running through the shiftplus, its been noted all it is is a big resistor, but if my car does burn down you'll be the first to know
Its not how fast your car goes....its how much nerve the driver has to push it that fast.
mines been fine like that for over a year now, and I have had an electrical fire before, flippin resistor wired by someone else, grrrrr.
yeah...this thing is friggin sweet!!
back from the dead again lol, has anyone installed this connecting it near the PCM instead of near the trans? or do these wires not come through the fire wall?
Causa latet vis est notissima
DIY Clear 03+ Headlights
PCM in in the engine bay, or in the passenger fender well. the BCM however in inside the car, drivers side kick plate
and there should be no problem connecting it there, just have to make sure you get the right wires.
ahhh ok, I think I'll try closer to the PCM, should be easier. I'll post some pics if I get it right lol
Causa latet vis est notissima
DIY Clear 03+ Headlights
ok, I got mine installed, worked great and I think it came out as a cleaner install. once I solder the wires you won't even know it's there.
3 red w/ black stripe , 2 blue w/white stripe
so I had to use a continuity tester to figure out the right ones in the harness to the PCM
and the wire thru the firewall...
Solder? we don't need no stinking solder
well, they will be eventualy.. but not today.
And the finishing touches.
Causa latet vis est notissima
DIY Clear 03+ Headlights
I just came across this topic...and apparently this thread started a couple years ago...can't seem to pull up the original instructions and pics.
What is the transmission you guys are splicing this module into? The original post mentions a 1998 2.2L motor and a 4-speed auto trans... was that a 4T60E? Not that familiar with J-body cars...more with N-body and L-body. The 4T60E is a 4 speed auto...that's what I have in a Corsica that I'd like to improve the shift quality on. According to B&M, I should go with their #70383...but I've heard some bad things about it...so now I'm looking at the feasibility of their electronic module...which is what you guys are playing around with in this thread.
What are the two wires you guys are splicing into? I mean what do they translate to as far as the PCM goes? Maybe I can translate it to my application.
Post Edited (02-15-06 4:29 PM)
I'm having the same problem. I cannot seem to find the
right wires on my 2000 2.2 Cavy. If someone could show me with a picture.....that would be totally awesome.
Should I use different connectors than the ones supplied?
Where do you all put the switches? I cut apart my left driver vent and ran the switch behind there. I cut the bottom vent thingy out haha and it fits almsot perfect in ther a little tight but easily hidden. Ill get pics sometime.....
Thanx Charles
Charles wrote:Where do you all put the switches? I cut apart my left driver vent and ran the switch behind there. I cut the bottom vent thingy out haha and it fits almsot perfect in ther a little tight but easily hidden. Ill get pics sometime.....
What year is your cava and where do you have the wires connected?
I ran my wires down to the plug on the tranny. Then I had my dash apart and ran the little switch box in my vent. I will get pics 2marrow
Thanx Charles
I think I have the right wires. I'll have to take pics of it to show you where I got mine connected.Mines behind the passenger tire well. Over in that area.
bh04 wrote:I'm having the same problem. I cannot seem to find the right wires on my 2000 2.2 Cavy. If someone could show me with a picture.....that would be totally awesome.
thats because it don't work for the 3spd transmission....
I only have a 3 speed. I did not know that. I have the 1, 2, D, R, N, P. So if I had a 3 b/t the 2 and D that means I have a 4 speed. I'm so dumb.
yeah, sure... why not. lol
thanx man because of these new pictures after about 4 months i finally got it installed correctly, i never could before beacuse my hands would not fit and could not get to the other location to work on it.
did it last night... easy as pie... seroiusly hardest part was undoing the wire loom.. and thats not hard...
works great too worth every penny.. even if i didn't use my $40 gift card for summit
02 eco for the people wondering

dose it work for the 3 speed 4 doors
does not work on the 3sp at all
Just installed this. It is wired exactly as in the pictures, but doesn't work correctly. It worked fine for about 40ft, but after that I got both the CEL and TRAC OFF lights. Also, my car won't shift out of 2nd, and I can't even feel the 1st to 2nd gear shift. I triple checked my wiring, and then checked it again. I don't know what's going on. I never had any problems with the tranny before I put this on. I took it off after a test drive, and now I have a strange sound coming from the tranny (see:sucking in sound that girl makes from The Grudge). Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Ok, the reason I can't feel the 1-2 shift is because the trannsmission isn't shifting from 1-2

It stays in 2nd no matter what. I don't know what the hell to do. I've tried everything I can think of...
I'm such a dumbass... Apparently the harness can go in 1 of 2 ways - The right way and the wrong way, and I put it in upside down
Everything works perfectly now though.
If you happen to be as dumb as I, make sure when you plug the harness back in, the arrow on the plug goes to the left, not the right.