So far i have used the search but i have only come across the threads of 2.4 that can bolt up with the MP62 supercharger. is there a thread that i can look at that states that you can in fact use a MP62 on an ecotec motor? I know you need a TB adapter and the intake manifold off the SS cobalt. thanks in advance!!!!
you just answered your own question.........
oh and 15 posts down from this one as of now there is a thread asking what belt for his supercharged eco.....
Lol I dont think he realizes that both the balt ss and GM performance parts kit for the 2.2 ecotec powered jbody use a fourth generation eaton. All fourth gens are MP62. This is the same supercharger us 2.4 guys are using. Also all Ion redlines used the same fourth gen MP62

Lol I don't think you realize you made 5 posts with the exact same message.
2001 Olds Alero (LD9)
650 whp / 543 ft-lb
haha thats what I was going to say....maybe to many internet transmitted diseases?
Dude i told you in our convo that the blower i have for sale would work for an ECO motor!! The 2.2 eco in the cavy works with the cobalt ss/sc blower! thats what all the 2.2 and 2.4 eco cobalt owners use!
"It's called reading! Top to bottom, left to right... a group of words together is called a sentence. Take Tylenol for any headaches... Midol for any cramps."
Okay so the MP62 is the same for the Redlines and 2.0 balt ss. so how come no one has one on thir ecotec? Do they perform differently? sorry about all this still a noob

, but this information is very helpful and thank you very much. as for cody (you are the man) just wanted more answers thas all. dont want to buy it then have no use for it. Ill keep talking to ya when i get more info. Thanks again guys
whiteknight23 wrote:Okay so the MP62 is the same for the Redlines and 2.0 balt ss. so how come no one has one on thir ecotec?
Every supercharged 2.2l Ecotec on this forum is running that S/C. Mine actually came off a 2006 Cobalt SS/SC.

2003 Cavalier 1SV
Bagged and Blown
whiteknight23 wrote:Okay so the MP62 is the same for the Redlines and 2.0 balt ss. so how come no one has one on thir ecotec?
tjust in this thread there is 4 people that have posted that are running the mp62, and i can think of atleast 20 others off hand on the .org that are runng the same blower.......the blower on the eco in the cobalt/ion/sunfire/cav is all the same parts.
Every single superchargered eco powered J-body, cobaltt ss/sc, and ion redline usees the fourth gen MP62. Alot of people myself included just refer to it as an M62 in short although it technically is an MP62. Hope that helps clear up the confusion.
BTW the 5x post was from my cell phone. Not sure what was up with that but in light of it [ION] C2 and JUCNBST post were comical. I literally LOL

Thanks guys for the clerification!!!! sorry bout the noob questions. Cody i just PM'd you!!!!!!
Wade- My coworker has issues like then when posting on facebook from her phone from time to time. glad I got a chuckle out of ya
Whiteknight23- feel free to pm me or some of the other guys in the thread if you got a few questions you need answered. and If your looking for
install instructions go to last I checked you could download the instructions in pdf for free.
That is Fckn sweet. Is there any other threads that you can give me off the top of your hears that will keep me moving on this. I already have ( other good ones.
so can i run the stock TB off the L61 in this set up? and just get the T/B adapter(made) and put it up to the SS/SC Intake manifold?......
Oh and EXCELLENT WRITE UP very helpful.
For the heat exchanger who would i be looking at to buy from. one person stated Cobra or Lightning, what else is there? Thank you guys for beeing patiant with me on this. Im learning a whole s**t load
as for the Injectors they are the 36# and modify them so they sit higher up?
and for intake manifolds shall i look up other sites aka
Yes, with the adapter plate you run the stock L61 TB.
For the heat exchanger the same basic rule for intercoolers applies, as long as you can mount it behind the bumper - it'll work.
The stock LSJ injectors, yes. The grey injector cups(seats) need to be raise for them to fit. To the best of my knowledge no one sells aftermarket injector cups that'll fit the LSJ injectors perfectly, yet. I have all measurements i need to prototype one, but i just need to get off my ass and do it.
GMpartsdirect sells them for $400ish i believe. Best thing to do is wait for a SS/SC guy who is going turbo(what i did) or find a J-body guy who is selling his kit.

2003 Cavalier 1SV
Bagged and Blown
whiteknight23 wrote:Oh and EXCELLENT WRITE UP very helpful.
Aparently not helpful enough.
Okay what else do i need so far i have
1. M62 off a cobalt;77.9mm pulley plus the stock pulley, stock belt, has the stock throttle body on it also and all sensors!
2. Stock SS/SC injectors and harness
3.Intake manifold w/ dual pass installed, HE, and steel braded hose(includes reservoir)
4.Cobra H/E
a big box with my mailing address on it, then you can send it all to me!

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
Still working on this build. just need a few things and was wondering if any one had these items they would like to get off their hands.
1. H/E pump bracket
2. Altanator bracket....dont know if i really need it but
3. LSJ tentioner assembally
4. T/ B adapter
5. lower I/M bracket
Thanks a bunch for all you help so far!!!!!!! this site is amazing....
also what MAP sensor is every one tap into. there is one on the S/C and the one on the I/M....What one do i use....Also what the dif. between 2 bar and 2.5 bar or 3 bar sorry for the noob question
yes you need the alt bracket. you don't have to use the lower intake manifold bracket. i'm not usin it. depending on where you mount your h/e pump, you wouldn't need the bracket.
my carDomain updated 10/31/09 Forged and Supercharged
okay thank what sensors do i need to get. i have one on the S/C itself but im missing one on the I.M dont know what that one is. can some one help a noob out. Also what is every one talkning about 2 bar 3 bar?
Iat- Intake air temp where does that go?
Maf- Mass air flow.....where does that go?
and what is a Tmap for the LSJ
"you should wire the stock map and Iat sensor wires to the tmap sensor" What is this guy talking about
again sorry for beeing a noob but i am learning alot. thanks in advance!!!!!!