I have the charger off of the 2.0 Saturn Ion Redline and other parts that go with it but I am trying to figure out what problems I am going to run into trying to put it on the 2.2? Has anyone done this?
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/twiztid04cavy/car051.JPG">
Did you even bother to search?

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Might as well sell it, they are two completely different chargers/setups. If you would have searched... you'd know this by now.
12.770 @ 111.99 Intercooled Eaton M62
Airtonics wrote:Might as well sell it, they are two completely different chargers/setups. If you would have searched... you'd know this by now.
Completely different is a stretch, but having the charger alone isnt going to do you any good, the rest of the parts would cost you more then a kit.

14.261@ 95.45
Check out my car....
Congrats, you got replies from some notable people here on the .org!
What parts exactly do you have? "other parts that go with it" doesn't really tell a lot.
you can do it but it takes allot of money and time to put all the parts together
just buy the right kit and sell that one to a 2.0 ecotec owner to help ease the cost of the right kit that you need.

|Forged 8.9:1 Wiseco Pistons|Forged Eagle Rods|HPTuners|60trim|Tial Wastegate|
|Precision Intercooler|2.5" Exhaust|2.5" Charge Pipes|630CC Mototron Injectors|
|Stock: Fuel Pump, Transmission, Manifold, TB, Head, Head Gasket, Ignition, Suspension...|
x2 is hard to put all the parts together
Ok for one I am not a newbie and I ahve searched a little about this and even talked to Airtonics about this!! If I am not mistaken he has done this swap? I have the Charger, throttlebody, intake manifold, tensionew pulley and bracket, pump, injectors, and bolts and other misc parts pretty much all of the parts that go with this setup. I could have swore other people had done this corrct me if I am wrong but this post sure didn't ask for people to dawg me just trying to get some more info about this figured I could use this site of which i have been on here for about 4 or 5 years now to help me and figured people on here would be cool about it but I guess not. So if anyone can be helpfull it would be appriciated. thanks..
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/twiztid04cavy/car051.JPG">
am doing it right at this moment but is a pain every time i turn around i need something else and you are missing the TB adapter hoses sensors adapter for the sensors and more
Well if you are doing it anyways just ask if you have a question
I know I have to get an adaptor made for the throttlebody. I know i need to run some type of fuel management! I was told I could use the Gm reflash for this and It would work since I do have the right injectors for this charger? I know if all bolts up for the 2.2. I have to wire up the Map sensor and blow off control if i am not mistaken. My thing was I thought some others have done this?
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/twiztid04cavy/car051.JPG">
if you are planing to do anything else to the car don't get GM reflash just get HP tuners
Some people have done this but is not worth the hassle thats why nobody recommends it
This is actually the last thing I was going to do to the car so getting the reflash won't bother me.
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/twiztid04cavy/car051.JPG">
Don't forget the line to the brake booster and the emissions vacuum line as well. You will need upper radiator hose. I am sure I am missing something else. You have the Tmap in the lower manifold so you need to hardwire that into the system.
Have pretty close to everything.
keep cthe charger. buy the kit use that charger while you send out the new to get ported
I have a 2.2 SC kit for sale.....send me a message if you like. I would be far better than piecing together a kit.
Then EBay the redline charger, or use to port and polish
It does work just takes some different measures thats all. If it doesn't work then what is the difference between the two kits? Charger and manifold are the same am I right?
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/twiztid04cavy/car051.JPG">
gawd dam man you still that ignorant to not use the search button ?
its the same dam charger and intake , fits like a glove , since its the same as the kit
money wise your better buying the whole kit , than trying to piece it together , BECAUSE GM DOES NOT SELL SOME NEEDED PARTS SEPERATE
use the dam search button
Kade Hoover wrote:It does work just takes some different measures thats all. If it doesn't work then what is the difference between the two kits? Charger and manifold are the same am I right?
There are issues related to programming, what sensors you use and don't use. The fact that the Cobalt uses a drive by wire TB, not a cable TB like your ar, there is no adpater to mount your drive by cable TB to the manifold etc.
Buy a kit, or buy a good used kit, and then bolt it on, tune it with GM or HP tuners. Unless you have an entire LSJ engine, and lots of time tomake everything work it is much easier to buy a kit. the guys on here who did it using the Ion/Cobalt kits sepnt lots of time doing it, and saw the same advantages as the guys with the kit, difference is the beat everytone esle to the punch.
yes I did the GM kit, yes my car is totalled, yes I have a kit for sale, so I can show you all the little things you aren't going to get with the do it yourself approach versus buying the kit.....
Maybe someone should write a thread and get it stickied on "Ion/Cobalt SC kit versus buying it from GMPP"
To: 97trd , maybe I am ignorant but that doesn't give you the right to call me that.
I know that I need to get an adaptor for the throttle body I am already working on that the thing I am trying to find out now is about the sensors and wiring that I am going to need to do that is different from the SS wiring? That is about the only thing i am stumped on right now other than that I pretty much know what else I am going to have to do. I have the Charger,Manifold, Aftercooler pump and hoses that go with that including the resevoir. I have all the sensors as far as I know that are needed I also have the tensioner pulley and bracket not sure if there was another pulley and bracket I missed? I have all of the bolts and nuts for the kit and if I don't I have a friend who works at the dealership and can get those for me. I didn't know about the boost control valve But I also have that? I will stop posting shortly because it seems like only a few select people can be grown up about things on here, and for the ones that are helping thanks.
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/twiztid04cavy/car051.JPG">
let me know when you get it done and post pics