they are the cheap ebay resistor box of boost. pointless waste of money. search.
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
well - a couple years ago my brother decided to give one a shot - it was cheap so what the hell couldnt hurt right? but on his nissan nx (1.6L) it actually choked the engine off and hurt power especially when he started going fast but even at idle the car would almost stall. Based on that experience alone (i dont know any technical reasons or anything) I would definatley say its a waste of money
does it work?
in one word: no
in two words: no way
in three words: no way pal
in four words: i dont think so
but seriosly, an electric motor can't force air faster than you engine can suck it in so it ends up jsut being an obstruction.
Hmm I could go for 8 but Im not so sure this will get lock.
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! "