So Im finally getting my ass in gear and getting this new box done up smaller and better than the current big beefy low playing bastard. Im planning on a box 20 wide by 18 deep by 14 high sitting sub up and port back. Its going to be tuned to 33 hz (I decided to split the difference on what Lanman and UnholySavage told me). It will have about 14.7 inches per cubic foot of port area which comes out to 25 cubic inches with 1.7 feet of internal volume. So wish me luck. She'll be done tomorrow afternoon and I hope to have it in and playing by the weekend! With pics and videos to follow.
good luck with it. i would have gone with a little more port but im weird like that.... I have a feeling youll gain output from the box you had before but it will have a lot of port noise.
cant wait for the out come of this....

click sig for my car audio videos
How does sub up compare to sub back in our cars? I may go with that option for my next sub/box.
*2000 Cavalier sedan*
in a normal trunk car like a Cav, I would prefer a normal sub back, port back setup.
On the other have other fingers.

In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
I got her built and tested last night and it is just as loud as the old one but with no bass boost! Woooooo. I have very little port noise Anton. I dont see the issue. Its within 14-16 cubic inches per foot of internal volume. I couldnt do much more port with the size of the box. I wanted some trunk space back.
Its back out and on my garage floor while I try to find some carpet and get my amp setup and mounting location figured out. So Ill snap a few pics.
TheSundownFire wrote:I got her built and tested last night and it is just as loud as the old one but with no bass boost! Woooooo. I have very little port noise Anton. I dont see the issue. Its within 14-16 cubic inches per foot of internal volume. I couldnt do much more port with the size of the box. I wanted some trunk space back.
Its back out and on my garage floor while I try to find some carpet and get my amp setup and mounting location figured out. So Ill snap a few pics.
trunk space is overrated.... lol but im surprised theres no port noise....
i demand vids and pics when its in and done.

click sig for my car audio videos
What subwoofer do you have little buddy?
Lanman31337 - Cavfire wrote:What subwoofer do you have little buddy?
i think its a 15" type r if i remember correctly

click sig for my car audio videos
yup thats what it is same as me
Its in my profile kitten.

But yep its a Type-R. The recommened vented enclosure size is 1.5-3.0 cubic feet. So Im inside of it. I got it carpetted today but my digital camera is eluding me.
Just got to figure out an amp rack or something nice like that and Ill be done.
Edit: All I have for now is some crappy cell phone pics. Which apparently I cant get because my VZWPix account is locked and I dont know my billing system password to unlock it. Gah!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, July 10, 2009 1:07 PM
That'll do nicely for that woofer.
Im hoping so. Its a tight fit in the box but just from my untuned boom test its going to do pretty well.
Ok here you guys go. No video right now. Im using an older camera and I couldnt get a decent video with the space available on my SD card. I went out and got a 2 gb one ealrier tonight so Ill get some later.

The port is in the center or the trunk with the box off to the side. It yielded a higher output than on the other side of the car. And please forgive my carpetting it was my first real experiment with trying to do it well and the corners gave me some fits.

I have about 4 inches between my surround and the torsion bars.

In the quest for space I mounted everything close together instead of building and amp rack.
And I found a donor for the old box and there she sits.......

in this.....

I didnt realized how beefy that box was until it takes up the entire rear of a Bravada. And Korey mounted it upside down! Idiot!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, July 13, 2009 9:36 PM
I talked with Korey. Him and I are now bff too!
Sorry it was 2am and someone was too busy watching transformers 2 at the drive in to help me *cough* BRIAN *cough*
get them vids going!

click sig for my car audio videos
Korey Fisher wrote:Sorry it was 2am and someone was too busy watching transformers 2 at the drive in to help me *cough* BRIAN *cough*
Suck me bitch. Thats why the staples and the seam are on the bottom.
who knows what the f&*k is going on with your @!#$ty carpeting skills
Its @!#$ty because someone was too busy whacking it to help me.
i apologize for working 9-5, if you came over during the day i could have probably helped you while we werent busy, although you would have had to put up with my dad's constant whining and bitching
No it was a night but im tired of you whoring up my thread. So leave!
Oh im sorry you were talking about the first box, and when you were carpeting that one i was building my camaro box so bite me

and ill leave when i damn well feel like it
lmfao this is too funny. so let me get this right? you were to busy watching trans 2 to help Korey mount the box RIGHT side up and Korey was too busy whackin it to help you unsuckify your carpeting skills?? lol i got it i think . Nice box though and who cares about looks, looks are for show cars if you ask me
144db@38hz! It hurts so good !
Shut up. Thats no excuse for your stupidity.