Adding USB power to car - Audio & Electronics Forum
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basically in titile, what would be the easiest way? Without having a adapter sticking out of my cig lighter
the pinout for USB standard connectors. Find a cable with the connector you need, lop it off, and mount on your dash in an appropriate place. The trick with be getting the 5V source from your 12V electrical system. I'm no electronics engineer, but I gather you either need a full-blown voltage regulator, or could use specific resistor in the circuit if the current to be drawn in known ahead of time (see
here). Others may have suggestions for the easiest method.

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kenwood x591 HU
7805 and a USB end and then wire it up.
if you dont wanna change your radio you can use a sirius radio cig plug and wire your usb to it. The sirius plug uses 5 volts

but changing your radio would be the easiest way
walmart sells an A/C inverter that also has a USB port on it. you can hard wire it, and put it in you glove box, console, etc. i'm using it to power my PS2 and i use the USB port to charge my bluetooth head set
_______________________________________________________ Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
Go with the 7805, available at RadioShack for two bucks.
Pinout is the following:
1: Input (12v)
2. Ground
3. Output
I recommend finding a flat spot on the body somewhere, sanding it and mounting the device to it. The regulator will dissipate quite a bit of heat so if you don't mount it to something, it will burn up. Also note that the case of the device is electrically tied to ground, so if you do mount it to the body, you can omit the third pin. The plus side is that because it doesn't use any sort of high frequency switching, there's no potential for noise making its way through your sound system.
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd
ok, yea i was considering the 7805, because i can hide that away under my dash, then have the USB mounted by my head unit. And its also the cheapest way too. i shall post up some pics whenever i get my lazy ass around to doing it.
my radio already has usb and takes sd cardsand its build in the thats they way i went
Elmer the wricer hunter..."Shhh be vewy vewy quiet...I'm huntin wrice"
Kill da wriiiicer...Kill da Wricerrrrr..kill daaa wriccceeerr!!!
The a/c pressure sensor has 5V out as well as the 5V reference on the Throttle Position Sensor. Not sure if you want to wire all the way out there, but that is where you can grab an easy 5V. Amazing how much you learn about your car when you wire in a stand alone engine management computer
wait what, where is this wire? your talking under the hood? where is the a/c one? and does it only work if the ac is on?
Yes, It is under the hood. You will find it by the coolant overflow tank. The A/C line has a sensor on top of it. Pull back the shielding and look for a gray wire. Use a volt meter to be sure but you should get five volts out of it, And no you do not need the A/C turned on in order for it to pull five volts.
ok, then i just hook up then ground to the frame, correct? Also if i turn the AC on, (With i dont use that often, kinda broken

) Would it drop the voltage? Kinda dumb questions but i think it should stay constant.
Please don't pull current from your ECU's data lines.
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd
There is no problem with pulling the current from the A/C pressure switch. Yes just ground anywhere to a solid ground.
i dont think its a good idea to get power from there. Much safer and easier to use a sirius radio cig lighter i stated above ^^5 volts with no problem and you dont have to run a wire from under the hood and possibly messing something up. Not to flame you but it seems like your a newb when it comes to electrical, so it would be best to go safe and easy!! All you have to do is put your accessory wire (12volts) to the tip of the plug and ground to the side metal.(wrap in tape solder for best connection) DONT NOT TAP IN TO THE TPS OR ANY 5 VOLT REFERENCE FROM AN ECU!! you can seriously F-up your car
ok, then ill just get a 5v adapter, i didnt realise that pulling power from there would mess things up. I am nota newb when it comes to electrical, just the car part, in the house its not a prob. Ill just use the lines from the cig lighter as i dont smoke nor do i allow smoking in my car. and get a 5v adapter, something cheap n basic, rip her open and hard wire it in. the route the usb to where i am eventually going to place it.
There is no problem with pulling the current from the A/C pressure switch. Yes just ground anywhere to a solid ground.
No problem with pulling how much current? USB devices can pull up to 500ma, which can seriously throw off sensor readings or even blow your ECU. Unfortunately, sh!tty advice like this has become part and parcel of the JBO.
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd
umm i think u mean 360, and that would defeat the purpose, if i used that for power, then i would connect to my 360, and therefore defeating the purpose of letting me use my mp3 player. O and i had a 360 in my car, eff'd a lot of games up.
If you need to power something with a USB mini plug, just get the car charger for a Motorola V3 Razr. It's 5V with a mini USB plug already on it.
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