Hi..i just got my 99 z24 auto and i was wondering what is the proper launching technique to get the best start without hurting the trans?
Hold down the brake and press the gas enough where the car starts to lurch forward. When the light turns green, let off the brake.
Best way to launch. But watch out that the traction control doesn't kick in. I put it into 2nd when I take off and as soon as the tires stop spinning, I put it into drive.
My technique. I put it in 2. Rev to 2500 and hold. Second to last green light let off the brake, floor it while dropping it into one. Then I shift up at each redline.
No tenemos que vivir asi! Sangre de mis manos! Viva como si usted muera maņana.
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^^ And for those of us without tachs...
Left foot on brake, right on gas.
Put it into second and give it a little gas, reving however you want.
Flooring it should give you a little rubber, once it grips just pop it into drive.
Side note... going from 2nd to drive you DO NOT need to press the button on the shifter. In fact I recommend not pressing the button. If you have the button pressed and you over shoot drive you run the risk of hitting reverse.
-- The The One One --
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/personal_pic.jpg">
or you can just let it in D and then just yank the e-brake up one click to turn off the traction control. thats what i do

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
Click ebrake up on notch.
Do very small burn out, 1 full rotation of tires to remove loose dirt and gravel.
Do not go through water box if possible.
Hold brake (2200 RPM) and gas till last yellow light. When last yellow light lights, hit gas & let off brake.
Do not shift through gears, you can not shift better than the computer can.
Lower tire pressure a little.
Shallow stage. This means roll very little into the second staging light lights.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
2000+. One click doesn't work. Computer engages TCS anyway with the DRLs...
99redz24 wrote:or you can just let it in D and then just yank the e-brake up one click to turn off the traction control. thats what i do
or if you drive a sunfire.....just press the ETS switch.

"Official Jewish J-Body"
all of this is bad for you torque converter
Kevin Hamilton wrote:all of this is bad for you torque converter
I've also tried pullin the parking brake and flooring it... which sounds like it should work... but doesnt. Not for me anyways, but my cables a little loose so I cant get the brakes as tight as they are supposed to be anyways.
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well maybe b/c your e-brake controls you rear tires and your engine powers you front... just a thought
-MD- Z24 wrote:
Do not shift through gears, you can not shift better than the computer can.
def saw time difference when manual shifted.
mods come once every great while... man i wish i wasn't so cheap..
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since i dont have auto i dont know the best way. but i do know, do not neutral drop. just an fyi.
A.15 wrote:2000+. One click doesn't work. Computer engages TCS anyway with the DRLs...
Eh? Worked for me... many times, in fact.
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just put your foot on brake a nd gas come up on a slow long rev as the staging tree drops mash the gas let off the brake youll either kick ass or you wont thats how it works
gas brake vroom gone
i thought all fires had the ets switch
im pretty sure mine doesnt
Steve (CanadianJ) wrote:since i dont have auto i dont know the best way. but i do know, do not neutral drop. just an fyi.
Listen to this man.....unless you want to see what your transmission looks like in your rear view mirror.

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines." -- Steven Wright
No ETS switch on my fire either. You think the year has something to do with it?
I wish I had read this before going to the track on Friday. I'm sure I could have gotten better times. I couldn't figure out why my engine bogged just after launching! (duh-never thought of traction control at all - guess I'm used to my 89 z24 still!) I gave up and just launched at a lower rpm. Next time I will launch in 1st and upshift shortly after launch (or try the e-brake). 15's here we come...
Also, I agree that you can't shift better than the computer. I tried, and it takes the tranny toooo long to respond. I ended up hitting the rev-limiter.
2003 Z24 Auto.
16.125 @ 84.42.
plus isnt shifting an auto yourself bad for the tranny? thats what iv heard
It's not really necessary, and at such high speeds (engine and actual) it may be detrimental.
Tony Wise(emokidpsy) wrote:plus isnt shifting an auto yourself bad for the tranny? thats what iv heard
doesn't matter. you CANNOT shift an auto better then the computer can.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....