After testing the majority of the sway bars out there, I'm gonna give my findings.
This is for front strut bars only, will do a review of rears later.
The car is a 99 Z24. FE2 22mm front sway bar factory. No rear anything for the tests.
GM bar used has 3 firewall points. Also this tests does not include custom bars.
Types of strut bars/designs:
Old ebay, RK, Freedom Design (new/old), Ractive (round bar): \_______/
New ebay, Vibrant,: o---------------o
GM: ------\______ or ____/--------- well you know, it has the bend in it.
Stiffness of ride most to least:
Best looking: (opinion only)
2)RK, Freedom design (with the square slots)
3) RK Freedom design old (without the slots), Ractive
4) Generic ebay new
5) GM (painted a diff color or not, its still aint pretty)
Most body lean most to least:
1)Vibrant, new ebay
2)RK, Freedom design, old ebay, Ractive
Quickest to straighten up from out of the turn:
1) RK, Freedom design, old ebay, Ractive
1.5) Vibrant, new ebay
3) GM
Ok for some explaination of my termminology.
1) Looks are looks, its your call.
2) Body lean is how far t he car dipped when taking a turn moderate to hard. A little tough to describe without being in the car. But I'll just say the stuff slid the furthest off my dashboard with the bars with the higher lean properties.
3) Straightening up. And this was only apparent to me when I used the GM brace. Since the other bars are straight or practically straight, when the turn is ended, everything 'undipped' back uniformily.
WIth that GM brace though, as stiff as it is, when coming out of a turn, there's this little hitch you can feel in the steering wheel. And can kinda see it cause the car would kinda jerk the other way first a hair then straighten up. Felling/looking around you can tell the origins are right were that bend is at the firewall.
Finally I would like to say it make ABSOLUTLELY NO DIFFERENCE with the thing screwed to the firewall or not. ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERECE. Meaning, +/- the two mounting points have no factor.
Ok if you made it this far, thanks fro reading my babble.
My choice would be any of the \___________/ designs. But with the stiffness of the GM brace.
Vibrant front strut bar for sale.

Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.