Yesterday I was swaping parts form one of my cavs, to my other cav and since we got the
same topics over and over about Eibach front sway bar problems I made this........ hopefully
people will read, or this will get turned into a sticky etc... anyways, enjoy, hope it helps someone.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, May 13, 2007 6:08 AM
Looks good.
Only thing I can add (and this is for Addco fornt bars) is to ensure that you got the correct size center bushings.
The sent me and a friend one each of a 1" (25.4mm) bushing and 7/8" (22mm) bushing.

Go Go OG Traction!!
i cut both rack bolts on the g/fs cav and also cut/rounded both ends of the sway bar
Everyone together now... S-T-I-C-K-Y !!!!!
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
crap, you do have to drop the crosmember. Thats what I was afraid of.
Caution: Redneck Posting
LMAO yup pr at least most the bolts and fight it in their.
I already replaced my sub-frame after one of my idiot friends crashed into a curb.
Caution: Redneck Posting
nice post i have the same kit and it took me 20 mins to figure out the logo issue because it does seem to fit either way until you think about the axle clearence. by the way notice how close your sway bar link kit bolts are to your axle boots next time its on a shop
I bought a set of Eibach sway bars, but I can;t figure out how to lower the rear part of the subframe to install the front bar. I undid the four bolts that hold it on on the back, and it wouldn't lower down, I can;t figure out what else to do, the service manual I have says that that's all that needs to be done, but I punded on it, and put all my weight on it, and it still wouldn't lower down, so I must be missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated
^yep. Cradle has six bolts. You should loosen the support on the front drivers side as well.
I put a stock 22mm sway bar without lowering the cradle but the eibach bar is a little thicker. I unbolted and popped both upper tie rods.It gave me turning clearance and I was able to snake the bar in.I made a protective bag cover to cover the bar so it wouldnt get all scratched up.Just giving you a heads up for the stock bars how easy it is without droping all that BS down.