Well before I say anything, yes I searched first.
On with the question.
I just had my brakes done on my 97 gt fire 5spd and it seems like the rear brakes are too "tight". (for lack of a better word)
To describe it, I'd say it feels like when you go to drive away with your parking brake still engaged a little.
What also makes me think that they need to be re-adjusted is the parking brake only raises 3 or 4 inches when engaged, and it makes a groaning sound when rolling slowly on slight hills. It also doesent seem to roll freely when out of gear.
If im right and they do need re-adjusting, how do you re-adjust them?
I've tried reversing and hitting the brakes then going forward and hitting them several times and it didnt seem to help.
If its not the brakes what else could it be?
Any input is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
it does sound like an adjustment problem, just take the drum off and turn the star wheel in some (youll know what it is whe you see it), it sould turn 1 way freely, and not the other way, you will need it to turn the direction it does NOT turn freely. There is a lock that engages the teeth on the star wheel, you will have to pry this out of the way (spring loaded) to turn the wheel. Dont back them down TO far, in fact it sounds like they are only VERY slightly over adjusted. When you put the drum back on and turn the wheel, you should feel light resistance.
Yep, John nailed it. Just did my drums this past weekend.
You don't even have to take the drums off. There is an access hole in the backing plate. It should be plugged with a little rubber cap. Although, its much easier to take the drum off, just a lot more time-comsuming.
James Cahill wrote:You don't even have to take the drums off. There is an access hole in the backing plate. It should be plugged with a little rubber cap. Although, its much easier to take the drum off, just a lot more time-comsuming.
Your 2nd gen may have this, but the only 3rd gens I know with this access hole are the Ecotec-powered variety, with the larger rear shoes retained by the large horseshoe clips. So yes, you do need to take the drums off.

14.330 @ 96.37mph
wheres the e brake adjuster on the 95 anyone know? i think its under the carpet of the drivers seat right? just asking as i couldn't find it the other day when i was doing mine.
there is no cable adjustment, if your cables have stretched past thier effectiveness, you should replace the rear cables.
BlownBlackZ wrote:James Cahill wrote:You don't even have to take the drums off. There is an access hole in the backing plate. It should be plugged with a little rubber cap. Although, its much easier to take the drum off, just a lot more time-comsuming.
Your 2nd gen may have this, but the only 3rd gens I know with this access hole are the Ecotec-powered variety, with the larger rear shoes retained by the large horseshoe clips. So yes, you do need to take the drums off.
Thats weird, and also good to know. Although, thats one of the few cars I now know of that doesn't have one. Do the export models have the hole?
I actually think they have the "hole', but need punched out, and a rubber plug installed.
mmmmmm, good suggestion.
i <3 my neon rear discs.....even though the e-brake is a