Manitoba Motorsports wrote:it doesnt matter if the springs are progressive or not, you just have to know how to cut them and where (which side is the soft and which is the stiff side of the spring. if you use a hacksaw or cut off wheel with water to cool then your good, its when you heat the spring that faliures will occure.
been around this stuff my whole life, never seen a properly done spring fail. i'm not reccomending you go run out to the garage and do this as a proper spring is imo better but some just dont go low enough. and IMO coilovers are @!#$ junk! i would never invest in a set just to go beyond low.
disagree on a few things....
actually it DOES matter. ask any major company whos done more research than any of us has or will spend on our cars prob in our whole life time. just cause you have never seen something doesnt mean that its applicable. its like saying...i;ve never seen someone shot and killed, so i cant say that guns or more so stupid MF's with guns "dont" kill people.
theres two things that REALLLLLY seem amiss in your post:
1st: no two springs are made exactly the same,ESPECIALLY WHEN PROGRESSIVE if you think two springs are exactly identical, then that shows your credibility there.
being that no two springs are identical, unless you are just doing some backyard bushleague shade tree mechanic appearance mods where you are only cutting the springs cause you wanna lower the car, the point for suspension is to be somewhat equal.
corner weighing is the most effective to offset the driver, however if you arent gonna get that far into it, you shoot to make things exactly even for the most part. cutting a progressive spring there is no REALISTIC way for you to know where a spring starts with a different spring rate and ends with another range.... not to mention as already pointed out, progressive rated springs are wound narrow near one end and wider near the other. so cutting a j-body spring (as prime example) ....really messes things up.
and yes this ALSO throws off the damping which ultimately throws off the handling and premature damage to struts.. you cut the soft side, you remove more distance from the coils on the smaller side as these are usually partially compressed when the car is on ground. from doing that alone you take away travel from the strut, then you also take away the softer sides of the spring which the struts are usually designed for. softer suspension setups.
if you decide to take away the stiffer side, you dont take away as much height, however you take away the part of the spring thats there to keep things "solid". if anyone has ever run a car with springs that are too soft, you will see and notice its easier to overstress a strut from lack of stiff enough suspension.
plus isnt that the reason we get upgraded be stiffer, to handle better.
i know someone here will say, "well i;ve done it, and my car hasnt done this or that" .....those are also the same people who will ride on blown struts and say its fine.
2nd you stated
and IMO coilovers are @!#$ junk! i would never invest in a set just to go beyond low.
you just made the statement coilovers are (fill in the cussword) junk! now were you referring to ebay coilovers, or a certain brand? cause for someone who CLAIMS to have been around this your whole life... yet you were only born in 1985 (there are fast learners, but no one EVER ceases learning) ..... making a statement like that definately shows either one of two things
1) you just forgot to specify a brand, or style of coilover
2) you really dont know half of what you THINK you may know.
considering pretty much ALL RACE TEAMS, drag and road course, from top level drag racers to nascar to lemans to SCCA GT1 and GT2, P1 and P2 use coilovers to dial in a car, its pretty much the most "meat and potatoes" of suspension adjustment when it comes to tuning a car and making it stick.
totally understandable if you mean getting cheap ebay coilovers and then slamming them.
i agree on that matter, since anyone who knows anything about suspension knows there need to be a certain range of articulation for things to work properly.
however if you meant ALL coilovers are junk...that def would put a chink in your credibility to anything you had to say about suspension.
overall, you see people like chip foose and those doing em on linear springs as many have already said, in addition most of the peoples cars will rarely be driven hard with the amount of paint and fiberglass thrown on em and all his signature wheels and stuff. they arent race track cars. its drive up to the drive in cruising type cars really..
others do it for cosmetics...
however realistically, it might look good cosmetically. but you can pretty much congratulate yourself on DE-Engineering your handling.