Alicia Cressey wrote:Yeah, i figured LBI might be ok because a lot of people cruise there (richies).... anyway, i haven't been there in about a year, but i could go help scout maybe.
If you can find a great location, like a diner or something that we can eat at or an easy meet location in LBI, that would be great. We mainly just don't want trouble from 5-0 / 732-742-8837
OMG LBI if its still open we'd HAVE to eat at The Chicken or the Egg (its a diner)..... You guys that like hooters' wings need to try ChEgg wings with the "ludicrous sauce".
Anyway, this is me completely wasting my last post for the month, talk to you guys in about 8 days lol
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
just lemme know where and when
My only concern with LBI is the traffic. it doesn't exactly have the nice wide roads like sea side has and I know that it is really crazy driving through there during this prime season. Now by the time we meet everything might be dying down by then so it could be alright.
So the toss up would be between LBI or Seaside. I guess if we don't come up with an LBI location by the end of next week we will just default to Seaside, and use LBI for the October meet. I think an LBI meet would be goo we will just have to see what it is like during the prime season if we plan on making use out of it.
Defined Parts
lets all say something about jay since he can't say anything back... hahahahaha
anyone up for atco tonight?
i don't know why i say anything no one ever comes with me. losersss
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Well i really don't want to ruin this but , being the only 17 year old in the group. A meet in LBI , wouldn't that make us get back here very late?
.JeRsEy KiD.* wrote:Well i really don't want to ruin this but , being the only 17 year old in the group. A meet in LBI , wouldn't that make us get back here very late?
Not if we decide to bump the meet time up an hour or so. Instead of 8 o'clock meets...maybe 7:30 or 7 o'clock meets. We'll decide on a time later but I'd like to decide on an actual location for now.
As far as the actual does September 24th sound? / 732-742-8837
Weee could do another Rita's and then cruise to freehold mall meet.
Good call, that was a very good meet.
You guys and gals game for that? And I agree wtih September 24th.
Defined Parts
sounds good to me. the 24th is good also.
and jay has a smelly butt.
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Sounds good to me...
I liked the Ritas meet...we can meet at the rest stop first and then drive out together. / 732-742-8837
Wanted: Co-piolet for video taping Jersey J footage.
Skills required: Hand, Eye, and passenger coordination.
Notes: Would prefer co-piolet to sit in my car for footage as it is nothing exciting to look at but is not a requirement for this position.
All applications must be submitted prior to September 24th.
P.S. for sale is an OPTIMA billet battery holder. Similar to this one: Price is $80.00 please contact me if you seriously interested.
Defined Parts
Mabey we can get the "New York Chapter" to come out.
Ad1kTed 2 SpE3d wrote:Mabey we can get the "New York Chapter" to come out.
ill do ny best however funds are low right now i might now be able to cause the tolls are a killer..

chances of having my coilovers for this meet are about 80%.
(just wanted to see my new sig.)
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Lamb Of Goddess wrote:chances of having my coilovers for this meet are about 80%. 
(just wanted to see my new sig.)
I was hoping to also , but my odds look ALOT smaller

maybe i'll have airride by then
The 24th sounds good to me. With a little luck I might have a little suprise by then too, I guess the next few weeks will be testing my electronics skills
And the REAL reason I'm posting right now....
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sounds good to me too, where is this rita's and mall?
mods come once every great while... man i wish i wasn't so cheap..
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Ok so do we want an earlier meeting? 7:00 or 7:30? I vote for 7:00 because our days are just going to keep getting shorter and shorter very quickly. Even at 7:00 I don't think we will have much sunlight since the sunsets at about 6:30-7:00 by then.
Rita's is at: Location: 2535 Route 516, Old Bridge, NJ 08857 (732) 679-1700
Yahoo! Directions in case if you get lost or want to meet us there
For us to get to the Freehold Mall we just cruise down Route East hop on Route 9 and the Mall is on 9 in Freehold. Not very far from Rita's it is a good cruise. And then we will park in the lot next to the movie theatre. All the way at the end where it is empty and only occupied by Jersey J's

Now for the bad news. I didn't realize that I was schedule for a motorcycle cruise on the 24th. I still plan on going to the meet but I might not be able to bring the car depending on the time I am getting back.
Defined Parts
i definitley vote for an earlier meet. either like 6/7 or a dayish meet at like 3/4
mods come once every great while... man i wish i wasn't so cheap..
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Well from my great gatherings at these meets, it seems like no one wants to leave unless they have to . So if we arrive at Rita's at 6ish , and cruise then hang out in a parking lot until 11-12 , it will be a really good meet. We have more then enough chemistry to keep us all involved and active in a parking lot. haha.
So votes for an earlier meet.
I say we should do it at 7 because alot of you guys go to the track or might work weekends and it will give you enough time to get ready and head out. / 732-742-8837
Well I say we can move it to meeting at the rest stop at 6:30 and then meet at Rita's at 7:00 and finally get to the mall around 10:00 finishing the meet at 12:00 or later. That's five and a half hours of J's should be plenty. If we still feel we need more then we can look into it then but I think this should be good.
In addition I could care less who tapes, I just think we need more people taping and then a way to combine all of our footage if possible. More angles on shots, more places for the camera to be, because you can't always be in the best place for everything.
As for me wanting a co-pilot I can only bring a camera if I have my car and I can only bring the car if I get back from the ride early enough. Otherwise I'm sorry. To be honest I don't even know what time I am getting back by it's a pretty long ride and I am supposed to be working it so it depends on how slow everyone is or what kind of traffic we hit.
Defined Parts
Fine Bryan....6:30 meet at the rest stop so people can get there easier and not get lost.
7 pm Rita meet up. / 732-742-8837