alright guys its time for a meet and figured why not make it worthwhile and bribe you all with food. this will be located at Mounds State Park in Anderson IN. We have the woodland outdoor venue reserved. This will be pot luck style if you are wanting to come list your name and what you will be bringing.. (If you come from out of town you will have a place to crash, my house is about 10 minutes from there)
Paul Richwine (arrival_04_eco) Burgers, and hot dogs
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, March 20, 2010 2:57 PM
Ill have to check the milage, but I def want to! Will repost
Eric francis....naked pics of pauls sister! Jk jk um. Chips and dip

RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
You have received a forum warning:
Warning: Don't ever wish harm On an Ohio state player you Douche canoe...
Expires: Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:47 AM PT
slocav and wifey.... guess i'll bring chips too or something....
Paul Richwine (arrival_04_eco) Burgers, and hot dogs
eric francis (autocavbot99) whatever needs brought
tony lester (slocav) chips
Paul Richwine (arrival_04_eco) Burgers, and hot dogs
eric francis (autocavbot99) whatever needs brought
tony lester (slocav) chips
Brian Steinbrunner (TheSundownFire) whatever needs brought
Paul Richwine (arrival_04_eco) Burgers, and hot dogs
eric francis (autocavbot99) whatever needs brought
tony lester (slocav) chips
Brian Steinbrunner (TheSundownFire) whatever needs brought
ben davenport (silverjon1nines) oils and lubes
Paul Richwine (arrival_04_eco) Burgers, and hot dogs
eric francis (autocavbot99) whatever needs brought
tony lester (slocav) chips
Brian Steinbrunner (TheSundownFire) whatever needs brought
ben davenport (silverjon1nines) oils and lubes
Chris Snyder (s1lver_N1p) plates & napkins
my carDomain updated 3/2/10 Forged and Supercharged
Paul Richwine (arrival_04_eco) Burgers, and hot dogs
eric francis (autocavbot99) whatever needs brought
tony lester (slocav) chips
Brian Steinbrunner (TheSundownFire) whatever needs brought
ben davenport (silverjon1nines) oils and lubes
Chris Snyder (s1lver_N1p) plates & napkins
Jorden DeWitt (crip96cav) drinks, ice, and coolers also let me know what you guys want and are we aloud to bring beer?
hells yeah i hope there is a good turn out...looks as if the weather will be in the midd to upper 50s and sunny...or so the weather says...we shall see!!!

RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
You have received a forum warning:
Warning: Don't ever wish harm On an Ohio state player you Douche canoe...
Expires: Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:47 AM PT
Built&Boosted moar
04 Cavalier Turbo r.i.p my baby
2nd place 2009 GM tuner bash qwick 8--holla
Contemplating..May need some positive reinforcement.
i dont think we would be allowed to have beer at the park... i could be wrong tho
wat, no beer. i dont not approve
Built&Boosted moar
04 Cavalier Turbo r.i.p my baby
2nd place 2009 GM tuner bash qwick 8--holla
Key words were at the park my house is down the road
Chuckles2002 wrote:Contemplating..May need some positive reinforcement.
come on man I'm driving 4.5 hours for this. I know your closer than I am.
charlie called me and said he would be there so im updating the list due to him

dont b\e scared guys post this on your local forums, other cars, everything were not biased anything will be allowed in (even ford and hondas)
Paul Richwine (arrival_04_eco) Burgers, and hot dogs
eric francis (autocavbot99) whatever needs brought
tony lester (slocav) chips
Brian Steinbrunner (TheSundownFire) whatever needs brought
ben davenport (silverjon1nines) oils and lubes
Chris Snyder (s1lver_N1p) plates & napkins
Jorden DeWitt (crip96cav) drinks, ice, and coolers also let me know what you guys want and are we aloud to bring beer?
Charles Smith (chuckles2002) whatever he wants....
Paul Richwine (arrival_04_eco) Burgers, and hot dogs
eric francis (autocavbot99) whatever needs brought
tony lester (slocav) chips
Brian Steinbrunner (TheSundownFire) whatever needs brought
ben davenport (silverjon1nines) oils and lubes
Chris Snyder (s1lver_N1p) plates & napkins
Jorden DeWitt (crip96cav) drinks, ice, and coolers also let me know what you guys want and are we aloud to bring beer?
Charles Smith (chuckles2002) whatever he wants....
Braxton Baker (braxtonsag) BAKED BEANS!
(PS. if not already posted on gmscf, ill post it)
Thanks Paul, your such a pal!
Christa's not coming, so Im soloing it.
in general, what beverages will I be needing to bring and the amount?
No drinking for me though, as I have to drive back down.
Francis, want me to bring the Z skirts?
yes to the z skirts... i already talked to christa lol and the amount whatever you choose man...
and to braxton where are you from man??? ive not seen you on here previously but i cant wait to meet you..
bet ya cant fairy lol. id go but im 22 hrs away lol.
griderusmc( da beaner ) wrote:bet ya cant fairy lol. id go but im 22 hrs away lol.
that is your fault for living in the god awful state of florida damn beaners..
Braxtons up in Kokomo, he keeps to himself other than texting me.
Hey now...FL is not gawdaweful..Im originally from there lol!
Djmikebarr will be there lol
Ill bring beer no matter what lol
And maybe some hoes

13.1 @ 115