All four are in good shape, come with center caps. Tires are ok, they are getting low on tread. They are just sitting in my garage and I would like them out! Local pickup would be great, I'm down near Sarasota, about 15 minutes from Gilbert.
Was hoping for $175 for them...............
Spread the word. That is all. Thank you and goodnight.
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
Also have a stock upper engine mount for the 2.4. It has the prothane insert in it, but it looks cracked, but its still a mount! I would also like to have local pickup for this. I am up in Orlando quite a bit, so I could also meet you somewhere up there. I'm thinking $40 for this.
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
They are the Alloys not steelies. I don't have pics right now I'll try to take some tomorrow. BTW I noticed you are in New York, and I'm not really wanting to ship them due to the cost. I had 18s shipped to me from New York and they were about 250.
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
I also just found something else, go figure.........................
Stock Ignition setup, Coilpacks,The housing, boots. Does not come with the idi cover though. Make me an offer on these, and I will ship these no problem.
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
Well, If I did get them I'd be paying for the shipping of course.
I'm just thinking about if I should get them for my girlfriends car, so we can get her some snow tires for her steelies.
Plus alloys would be nice.
I'll be waiting for those pics.
^ Sorry for the delay, I'm going out now to take pics of the wheels............Please watch for the pics thanks.
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
The TIRES have been sold to a friend, but the Rims are still available, Price has been dropped to $100.00 for the rims! Somebody buy them!
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
im thinking about it bro i can get tires for free at work just dont have 100 bucks
5 seconds to find another street...
Well I don't see them going anywhere so................looks like you have time.
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
Lemme know....I'll be up in Orlando probably sometime at the beginning or middle of July, we could meet up somewhere.
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!