800 for a 2.2 L engine?????????????
Good luck.
gtpsunfire wrote:800 for a 2.2 L engine?????????????
Good luck.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
gtpsunfire wrote:800 for a 2.2 L engine?????????????
Good luck.
He's a manager at JBP. That makes a little more sense.
ROFL. he will get no love from the community then.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
Mr.Choo wrote:gtpsunfire wrote:800 for a 2.2 L engine?????????????
Good luck.
He's a manager at JBP. That makes a little more sense.
So then these engines have a lifespan of 3 months then...
sorry, that 2.2L is NOT a rebuild, it is a brand new GM motor. as are 2 of the 2.8L's
Doesnt matter where they came from originally. The fact is that JBP is selling them now. Meaning they will die.
You guys are the biggest scum-sucking scammers I have ever come accross. 4, count em, 4 of my friends have been @!#$ over by you. 3 of them had their engine last less than a summer. When they died, what did u guys do? You made them pay to have em rebuilt!!!
I will make it my personal mission to make sure people DONT go to you guys to get anything.
I dont know who your friends are, or how they installed these engines.
But lets cover all the bases...
We haven't been running this business on weekends building one motor a year, our machinist has been doing this for 26 years. Everything from alcohol injected dragsters to stock rebuilds on civics.
I cant even count the number of engines I have installed in vehicles without problems, and no, I've never had an engine I have installed blow up.
Which leaves us with, your friends...
There are people out there who do this for a living and are good at it, get them to install the engine.
There are specific things you need to do when installing engines, at the first start and breaking in. Most importantly, having oil pressure, fuel, and spark BEFORE initial start up.
I'm not saying your "weekend mechanic" friends don't know what they are doing.
I'm saying your friends should leave the job to a real mechanic, who knows what they are doing and will do it properly.
i believe you were the ones who had put them in too.
very ironic name btw.
I am only aware of 1 engine I have installed having a problem.
This was before we started building our engines in shop, and was an internal problem.
Which was remedied, though not our fault, at no cost to the customer.
When checking an engine for warranty we can tell what caused it to fail, and when we tell the customer the truth about what happened to the engine, that its not covered under warranty because the cylinder walls were fuel washed when they tried to start it but didn't have spark for example. We become the bad guy because we wont cover a warranty rebuild on the brand new motor they just screwed up. Then they tell people that we screwed them, gave them a broken motor, don't know how to build a motor, etc.
Try to get the full story before blaming us.
I am FAR from a weekend mechanic. I am a licensed tech. I helped install 2 of the motors, well 3 since I had to do Chris' twice. We followed Mev's break-in procedure to a T. We did everything that @!#$ told us to. a few months later, surprise surprise, blown motors...
What about Uchi's motor, paid 5 grand, got no headwork, hell, he didnt even get the headstuds that he paid for.
You guys are the biggest scammers in Ontario, I would put you higher than RSM, and god I wish you would go under like they did.
I remember the pictures of that motor. I have never seen that much carnage to a piston skirt regardless of how the engine failed. Hell I put 2 valve heads through a piston and the skirt looked better than his.
I hope mev dies a slow death after geting fuken aids. You guys are all pieces of @!#$. I gave mev 8 grand to build me a motor. Took him ten months and it had oem head studs stock valves and stock valve springs. The bottom end wasn't balanced either. The high volume oil pump failed 7500 km into the engines life and destroyed my bottom end to the point where only the unbalanced crank and rods were saved. You idiots can't build a motor and should have your hands cut off. The entire 10 month wait was lies. Mev spent my money on who knows what but it wasn't my motor. I got hosed and I sincerely hope you all the worst in life with a slow painful death.

parting out my built and boosted 97 z24 so4x4.com/cavy.html for pics and a parts list
I was wondering why this thread has so many replies...
Then I clicked on it. lol.
I have mixed opinions from personal experience, though I have too many friends who have had extremely bad money-stealing experiences with JBP.
Mev took a long time to build my first engine - yeah. I wasn't happy at all about that but when I got it, everything I asked for was in it. Maybe I should count myself lucky?
After it was installed by myself and Darren, it was properly cranked over, broken in, driven 1000 km lightly, and brought to Mev. He went over the motor for free, and found an oiling issue with it. It took him a few weeks to fix the error but it was done free of charge and it was done well from what I saw when he tore the motor down 2 months later. I am still on the fence as to what happened to that first motor but it wasn't pretty. All signs point to detonation, but it didn't implode because of how it was built, that much I can say.
My 2nd engine - rebuilt by Mev - was put in by me. I went over every bolt on that engine on install... followed the same break-in procedure (minus cam break in since they were no longer new) and to my surprise it is still going - though I drive it lightly. I don't have the peace of mind I paid for with it to really lay into it, but at least it's still running.
Hence my mixed feelings.
With that said, Uchi's motor was inexcusable, as was LOKI's 2.2 that had the piston pin slide out while he was breaking the motor in. I don't care if God himself put that engine in, an installer has zero control over a piston pin sliding out laterally and raping a cylinder wall. What Mev did to Nelson was also extremely inexcusable.
Good luck selling your engines - I wouldn't expect a lot of support if I was you.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
what i really find funny is that this shoe maker is coming on here and talking about how many motors he;s built and how long hes been building shoes, i mean, motors for, yet his motors blow up. what kind of an experienced engine builder doesnt know how to build an engine?
heres some fun info, i went into mevs shop in november, i said heres 5 grand for a deposit, i told him i want a motor capable of seeing 25 pri safely, running to 8000 rpm, with a balanced bottom end, i told him what i wanted for a valve train. he said no problem. i also said i wanted the motor in april so that i can do my tranny and motor at the same time since the tranny puked and i gave him a spare motor i had that had blown. april came and went and nothing was done, the excuse was pistons. this excuse lasted until about june when it turned into balance shafts, and still my car sat, mev kept saying the motors almost ready dont bother swapping trannies, so i didnt, july and august came and went and still no motor. come into september a i call again and hes telling me the motor is completely finished minus the neutral balance shafts that had to go back because of a machining issue. a few days later i heard from a little bird that my motor isnt finished, infact its sitting completely bare, no machine work had been done to it, nothing had been assembled. now when i heard this i was ready to bury mev in my backyard alive. so i waited the night, calmed down and drove to jbp in the morning. waited 4 hours for him to show up because as we all know jbp doesnt keep normal hours and even after theyre supposed to be open theyre not. i was there 4 hours after they opened and finally caught mev after i went for lunch.
so i go inside, calm again and start asking about the motor and he pulls me in the back and shows me a bare block, a bare head, boxes full of parts. and nothing had been done. so i get a little annoyed and tell him that he said the motor was finished, mev tells me he didnt say that even though since june he had been telling me that the motor is done and just waiting on balance shafts. so i tell him i want my motor, @!#$ the balance shafts, finish it and im coming to get it. mev tells me that if my motor isnt complete by the end of the weekend hes gonna knock off $1000 off the build price. seems like a good deal. that weekend comes along and i get a phone call to come get my motor. so i drive 2.5 hours to pick it up and he tells me that he didnt swap out the oil pump chain tensioner that i had paid for because it hadnt arrived. on a technicality this is where he would have owed me $1000 because the motor wasnt done. being a nice guy i said not to worry and id get one locally. so we load the motor into my van and i start the trip home. get home and im looking through the build list. and ive still got it here somewhere, ill dig it up if anyone wants to see what an $8000 motor consists of, lots of back tracking,lots of lies, and lots of double charged parts. keep in mind i supplied my own eagle h beam rods for this build. so i call mev and he tells me that i hadnt asked for a built valve train or headstuds from arp. i told him we had agreed that the motor would see 25 psi and he said not tlie this it wont, i also said i wanted the motor to see 8000 rpm and it wont because the cam sprockets were stock so i was limited to 7400. to top things off my motor was supposed to have been painted flat black, instead he painted the block gloss black and the head silver and then said complimnets of jbp i got stainless cam tower studs, now im not a genius but stainless steel doesnt rust does it?
does that look stainless to you? because it sure as @!#$ doesnt to me.
so back on track, mev is trying to convince me that i wanted a stock valve train and stock head studs. why would i want that? i wanted a high hp motor, his motor wouldnt last any longer than a factory motor would once i went over 12 psi.
needless to say i had a friend of mine, whos built more engines that mev come down and help me replace the studs and tensioner for the oil pump. i put the motor in, broke it in according to his instructions, the motor worked fine and was treated well until broken in. even after that i wasnt too hard on it. and then one night i go for a spin up the hiway and open her up a little, let off the gas and start to slow down and then she starts to miss and throw a cel. and shes blowing lots of smoke. so im thinking maybe i friend a plug, i get the car home and the next day swap plugs because one had been destroyed, fire her up and shes still smoking and spitting oil out the crank case vent. so the motor is finished. i pull the head and find this.
i think well maybe by some weird force of god it detonated and caused the edges to get chewed up. after the piston got pulled this is what the result was.
i think we can all agree that it looks like the oil pump had infact failed, the high volume pump, that after being taken apart by a real mechanic, was found to not have been assembled properly.

parting out my built and boosted 97 z24 so4x4.com/cavy.html for pics and a parts list
Deth C. wrote:I dont know who your friends are, or how they installed these engines.
But lets cover all the bases...
We haven't been running this business on weekends building one motor a year, our machinist has been doing this for 26 years. Everything from alcohol injected dragsters to stock rebuilds on civics.
I cant even count the number of engines I have installed in vehicles without problems, and no, I've never had an engine I have installed blow up.
Which leaves us with, your friends...
There are people out there who do this for a living and are good at it, get them to install the engine.
There are specific things you need to do when installing engines, at the first start and breaking in. Most importantly, having oil pressure, fuel, and spark BEFORE initial start up.
I'm not saying your "weekend mechanic" friends don't know what they are doing.
I'm saying your friends should leave the job to a real mechanic, who knows what they are doing and will do it properly.
you should take your own advice, you guys are fuken weekend mechanics, an install is an install, a monkey can bolt up and wire up an engine, my engine was started properly byt a guy whos built more engines than you guys and whos a real builder. your entire operation is a joke, i went to jbp simply based on the fact that ive known mev for about 9 or 10 years and i wanted to help a friend with my business, i could have gone to a lcoal shop and had the engine i wanted built for 5 grand by real mechanics not some shoe makers.

parting out my built and boosted 97 z24 so4x4.com/cavy.html for pics and a parts list
Ya know I could swear I remember sweating my hairy balls off on at least ONE of Chris' engine installs...yet the bizzle never mentions my name...nice guy!!!

14.330 @ 96.37mph
I was actually thinking that last night... I remember a certain Bill bolting up my clutch and flywheel.
My bad bro! Bill helped install the first engine! And the transmission, in and out, about 400 times. lol.
And tear the NVG apart and reassemble it. Detents FTL.
I hated that summer.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
I licked that Piston. I have Herpes. Uchi now has Herpes.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
can JBP actually get a forged 2.4 twin cam crankshaft?

Needing 2.3 oil pump stuff? PM me...
z yaaaa wrote:can JBP actually get a forged 2.4 twin cam crankshaft?
Well they can tell you its forged...