We have decided to change our name, change our face, and change our focus...
OntarioCAVs has decided to make our new home at www.gmtunerz.com. Feel free to check us out.!!
I agree thats a stupid name now we sound like stupid hondas and such booooooo!!!!
Wow, Sorry you feel that way.
To tell you the truth, it was Tuners to start.. but the domain was taken. and honestly I didnt think the name really mattered.
I know you just dont like me Bill, for whatever reason, so I would expect that response from you.
BTW, This club is not set up the same as OC, everyone is welcome. Even you Bill.
It wouldn't have made a whit of difference had it been anyone else posting this, it's a sad choice of names. But you're right, I don't like you, you're a total prick.
I can't recall who said it, but I recall the quote "I don't want to be part of any club that'll have me as a member".
Especially one that has you holding a position of "authority". I've been subjected to enough pathetic leadership in some other club I was in. I never had any intention of being in OC, this one certainly won't be any different.

14.330 @ 96.37mph
Hey Bill honestly we all have our problems with people nobody is telling you that you need to be a part of it I know you somewhat and from what I know you seem to be a great guy, that knows his stuff. I am also a founding member of this club and surprised seein an ad for the forum to be honest I didnt think that was needed people should stumble on it themselves, but anyways sorry you guys hate the name it needed to be that for domain, any problems with members should be delt private if you dont want anythign to do with fine with me but there is also plenty of people that would liek the opportunity to meet tuners from the region.
Well this thread turned into a bad one quick.
I wont bother carrying on with it. I think you are assuming I had something to do with your removal from JCO when in fact, I have no rights to restrict any user.. I simply move posts around..
Whatever. I've never met you, so I wont judge you like you judge me.
Tunerz is still a gay name!! When people here the tunerz name they automatically think of gay hondas at least Ontariocavs people know it is cavs your talking about you just ruined a good name with Tunerz
Thanks for your input.
BTW, your sig doesnt work.
does this mean oc and of have combined? or is of still seperate?
BTW thanks I dont know how to make it work
Steve (CanadianJ) wrote:does this mean oc and of have combined? or is of still seperate?
OF does not exist anymore..therefore, nope, its not a joining, only an expanding of OC.
I don't see anything wrong with the name, I don't think Honda's, when I read
GMTunerz, but hey, maybe I'm missing something, when I read that, I think of Cav's Sunfire's, Cobalts, Pursuits, and Ion's anyways, hopefully the club goes strong, I'm sure it will be good for all the new kids coming into the scene.
I have a sunfire , can I join???
STYLEZ24 wrote:Well this thread turned into a bad one quick.
I wont bother carrying on with it. I think you are assuming I had something to do with your removal from JCO when in fact, I have no rights to restrict any user.. I simply move posts around..
Whatever. I've never met you, so I wont judge you like you judge me.
You're assuming incorrectly, which doesn't really surprise me.
Based on the things I've seen you say about me, with my own two well-functioning eyes, you have in fact judged me, but we needn't get into that.

14.330 @ 96.37mph
jacob, yea you got it exactly.. just a good place to hang out. I wanted to bring more cars into the mix.
Well maybe we can sort that out Bill. I dont like having enemys. Im sure you know I disagreed with your posts... but thats my position at JCO. anyways, add me to MSN or something.. You cant be that upset over this that we cant get past it....
Pass the J, absolutely you can.
Lil Black Two Four wrote:But you're right, I don't like you, you're a total prick.
I can safely say, you aren't the only one who thinks that way.
'97 Z24
2004 JBO Bash Quick 8 Qualifier
White_Zzzzz wrote:Lil Black Two Four wrote:But you're right, I don't like you, you're a total prick.
I can safely say, you aren't the only one who thinks that way.
Now, I don't want to get involved in this.. but obviously by posting this I am.. but
what good could have come from that post? What ever could have been the reason for posting it.. just had to get your 2 cents in to feel special???? Baffles my mind, here's your hero cookie.
Anyways.. as stated above.. I think the fact that the name has GM in it helps distinguish it from a "honda club"..
15.69@86.670 - stock 99Z
JoyRide wrote:White_Zzzzz wrote:Lil Black Two Four wrote:But you're right, I don't like you, you're a total prick.
I can safely say, you aren't the only one who thinks that way.
Now, I don't want to get involved in this.. but obviously by posting this I am.. but what good could have come from that post? What ever could have been the reason for posting it.. just had to get your 2 cents in to feel special???? Baffles my mind, here's your hero cookie.
Anyways.. as stated above.. I think the fact that the name has GM in it helps distinguish it from a "honda club"..
lol i love your posts here. i love your logic of thinking, i love the manner in which you post, i even love how you hand out hero cookies.
i can't hold it in anymore....
Will you marry me ?
Ok honestly can we get off the imature boat here if you have a problem with RYAN contact RYAN if you have a problem with any other members I being one of them I have msn msg me there if you can't handle the problem in a cicilized matter dont post, we are all pretty good to deal with and I have respect for anyone who can come to me and tell me what they feel but posting on a public board is just a little ridiculous imo give up the power trip of who and who isnt a dick we can all be dicks sometimes who cares.
Wow, I guess im loved all over... I dont ever remember talking to, meeting, or even posting in the same thread as White Zzzz
Lil Black Two Four & White_Zzzzz : If you guys have a problem with somebody why do you need to air your dirty laundry in public? There are many private means of resolving or continuing your conflict, so choose one. No need to erode the message of this thread.
1996 Chevrolet Cavalier SOLD | 2002 BMW 330i SOLD | 2004 BMW 645i
Is OntarioFires being rolled up into this new club as well?
Ontariofires is no more WW. We shut her down. OntarioCavs expanded to GMTunerz, with pretty much a whole new concept.