2.2 22oo - Performance Forum

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2.2 22oo
Thursday, July 03, 2008 4:32 AM
wats the difference beetween these two motors

Re: 2.2 22oo
Thursday, July 03, 2008 5:28 AM
? Do you mean the 2.2 LN2 and 2200 LN2? The 2200 is just an updated version.

Re: 2.2 22oo
Thursday, July 03, 2008 6:02 AM
the top end is different. bottom end is basically the same.

more specifically, the head, and intake are the MAIN difference.

Re: 2.2 22oo
Thursday, July 03, 2008 6:36 AM
Different cam, head has different ports and combustion chamber size and shape... Basically, the head is completely different... Valves have longer stems and the springs are also different. Pistons are different also. I believe the coolant flow was reversed between the 2.2 and 2200 also, but i'm not 100% on that. 97 head also has thicker water jackets, so more room to safely hog out the head. From the few pics I've seen, compared to my 2200 head, it seems the 2.2 head is actually better for porting and modifying. But I won't say that for sure until I get one in my hands up close.

Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
Re: 2.2 22oo
Thursday, July 03, 2008 5:23 PM
would a 2.2 head fit on a 2200
Re: 2.2 22oo
Friday, July 04, 2008 10:47 PM
Uh, I believe the answer here before was a "Yes", but the while most of the differences easily seen & talked about are from the head-up, there were many don from the mating surface-down as well:

The pistons received a smaller dish to maintain the static-compression ratio with the changed combustion chamber. even with a thick, stock-replacement gasket the ratio will still get pretty high & require an increase of the octane you run with this engine. I've got two S-trucks with this engine in both styles & believe me, it's picky about what octane you can run in it. Especially if you don't have a knock-sensor as part of your engine-management (Like my '94 don't!). But I bet you have one on yours, so it won't be too much of a worry. Still...

The cam profile was changed from what it was in the 2.2L to "enhance" mid-range with the new head in the 2200.

The walls in the recesses for the lifter "valley" are milled deeper than with the 2.2L & the lifter retainers that extend into them are longer.

The 2200's crankshaft position sensor reluctor-wheel (It's not removable) sync's are "clocked" at a more advanced position than the 2.2l's to help the injectors "fire" sooner so they discharge when the intake-valve is opening (As opposed to when they were unfortunately closing on the 2.2L) to aid fuel economy. The two different cranks won't interchange unless efforts are made to reprogram the engine management's timing curve, perspectively.

Everything from the head-up is different between the two engines. Nothing that bolts specifically to the head can be interchanged between the two as they just won't match-up to the ports properly.

The 2.2L used a "side-feed" style of injector as opposed to the 2200's top-feed style, along with completely different electrical connectors, and they can't be interchanged (Easily, that is).

I'd even go so-far as to say that even the ICM (Ignition Control Module, that part that the coils mount to) are different, seeing how on my '94 the crank position sensor plugs into it & on the '99 it runs right-to the ECM.

Yeah, it's alotta work to use the 2.2L head on the 2200. But if you can get past all the fabrication-work (Which should only be tied to the injection wiring & injector fuel-line plumbing) & tune it to run on whatever octane you choose without problems, you'll be fine. But on that last note, I'd look for a thicker-than-stock gasket to use with the combo you're talking about making for safety's sake.

I wish you "Good-luck" on this project & let us know how it goes for you. Later!

Go beyond the "bolt-on".
Re: 2.2 22oo
Saturday, July 05, 2008 9:06 AM
^^^^ wow great info dude! I will definitely be saving this thread.

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