My dome lights randomly go on and off while I'm drivin down the road. I need to get new Door Jam Pins. How do I go about takin them out and replacing them? is there any special way to change em? any assistance would be greatly appreciated

2009 Ford Mustang V6
i just used a pair of bullnosed pliers and pulled them out, seems to be the easiest and fastest way, not like they need to be saved or anything
I broke the drivers side tryin to take it out to see if my beretta ones would fit but way to small. what did they run price wise?

2009 Ford Mustang V6
I think i got 2 of them for 14 bucks at autozone. They don't have them in stock, gotta go in and pay for them, you'll have them in 2 days. Just got a pair last week.
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i picked mine up for 8 bux cdn at the dealer, my price at napa though is like 2.50, but they didn't have them in stock at the time