Has anyone tried to remedy this?
I tried WD-40, worked for thirty seconds, and then it actually got worse! I then cleaned all that off with degreaser and it's quiter now, but still evident. It gets worse when there's water on the ground, or like now, when there's melting snow all around.
Might this be an indicator that it needs to be replaced?
I'm a 6ft. tall, 250+ lb., man, and I proudly drive the Sunfire. My wife drives the half-ton 4x4...
Is your splash shield intact?I ask because mine is gone,(don't ask) and water does splash onto the belt making it squeal.Is the belt old?Belt or tensioner might need to be replaced
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Sounds like the belt to me....try taking a wire brush to the belt (carefully) while the engine is running (I start on the grooved side, that usually does the trick). If the noise quiets after you have wire brushed the belt....it is the belt, and you should replace it....if it has no effect, probably going to be a pulley
I am in the same boat as Biggsz24 my splash guard is also removed.... and mine as the tendency to squel when idling.... I found that silicon spray works the best.... I hit it a few times with some... same with the belt and have no had a problem since..... just a FYI wd-40 is not a good lubricant...
My car was doing this a few months ago. I put WD-40 on it but it was only a temp fix. Come to find out I needed a new belt and a tensioner. I haven't had a problem with that area since.
WD-40 is how you diagnose a bad pulley/tensioner, not fix it. Your going to have to replace the tensioner to fix it.
I agree with "it might be the belt".
I was just about ready to change the tensioner until I read a TSB on the subject. Remove the serpentine belt first. Then use a wire brush to clean the grooves on all the pulleys. The crankshaft pulley can be cleaned by starting the engine, with the belt off, and then holding the brush under the car in a position that will clean the grooves with the brush.
Don’t do this on a 2.2 because the engine will overheat since the water pump is belt driven.
I have to do this every 20k or so.