You begged, you pleaded, you thought I fell off a cliff because I was ignoring you and everyone else. But the day has finally come, JBO stickers are back! If you've ordered them in the past, or seen them on someone's car, then you know exactly what they look like. There is no change in the design, so what you got is what you get.
This is a limited time presale, which probably won't last more then a week. I expect them to be ready to ship no later then January 20, but more then likely much sooner. During the presale, shipping is free! Order now, lest you pay a dollar and change more later. (I'd really love it if you order now, if I have to sit on these for too long then there might never be more made again, or something like that).
Order now in the JBO Store:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about
the former." - Albert Einstein
ordered 10 glad you finially got off you ass dave

it looks like i bugged you enough to finially get these back on track....
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, January 12, 2010 3:02 PM
Will be ordering a handful Thursday morning.
I <3 Dave.
I only got one

that's all the spare change I could find.
I'm not going anywhere just yet
R.I.P. Jimmy "the Rev" Sullivan '81-'09
keep em coming, we need to try to hit 500 first batch for this to be successful.
ordered the 6 i promised i would.
thank you dave for finally getting these done everything else you do for us here.
i will place these with pride.

Trailer Queen corvette wanna-be with 40 coats of wax and powdercoating that soaks in.
ordered the 4 i said i would.
thanks dave!
ordered 5 as promised
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
are the shirts available?
I will be ordering 2 (as promised) and going Premium on Friday when I get paid!
I <3 The Org. & Dave!
I can't wait to represent The Org. on mine and my mom's Vibes

There are only XL shirts available right now. I'll be working on getting some more designs soon. Look for a post sometime soon to gauge interest and get a better idea of what quantities/sizes are needed.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about
the former." - Albert Einstein
just ordered my 6 stickers as i promised
ordered 2 like i promised
Dave wrote:There are only XL shirts available right now. I'll be working on getting some more designs soon. Look for a post sometime soon to gauge interest and get a better idea of what quantities/sizes are needed.
how many left im looking at getting a nother XL one. whats shipping on it cost?
ordered 4 =)
i'll be keeping an eye for the shirts when they come out
I didn't really plan on getting these.. but i already dropped $80 on preme, might as well get in on this.. ordered 6
At least i know if you go incognito again Dave i can price gouge the hell out of some
Ordered the 3 I promised I would.